Health and Wellbeing - Safety Moments

"Did you know that everyday things could be bad for dogs e.g. chocolate, cooked chicken bones and lilies. Read more"

"I've started writing down 3 things that I am grateful for every day, and this has slowly helped me become more positive."

"I use lights that mimic sunshine to help my seasonal affective disorder during winter to improve my mental health. See more."

"I booked my flu jab through our workplace scheme and it was easy to book and over really quick. Read more"

"I take the stairs more than the lift now as during lockdown I've become so inactive, this is my method of getting exercise."

"I've stopped having biscuits next to me while I'm working and started having dried fruit instead. I feel healthier at least."

A useful way to check your meal is balanced meal is to aim for a plate that's 50% vegetables, 25% protein and 25% carbohydrates.

"Did you know that times have changed and the Heimlich Manouvre is no longer the go to for choking? Find out more"

"I've stopped taking my phone into the bedroom & I sleep so much better at night. I feel great in the mornings now. See more."

See your emotions like a wave. Don't fight it. Experience it then let it wash away.
10 ways to deliver a Safety Moment →