Staying prepared: Keeping first aid kits stocked and ready
26 September 2023
Workplace injuries can range from minor cuts and burns to more serious incidents and having the right supplies on hand can make a significant difference in providing immediate care. A well-stocked first aid kit enables first aiders to respond quickly.

First aiders and appointed persons
First aiders are trained to provide immediate assistance in the event of injuries or medical emergencies. Where there are no first aiders, an Appointed Person should be appointed and will be responsible for looking after the first aid equipment and calling for assistance, when required, but are not trained to administer first aid treatment.
Managing first aid supplies
All buildings/departments will need at least one well-stocked first aid kit. All kits will contain at least the minimum supplies, which are required under law.
First aiders and appointed persons are responsible for ensuring that first aid kits remain fully stocked and ready for use. This includes:
- Conducting regular inspections: Conducting regular checks of first aid kits to assess the status of supplies and that the contents are maintained in date.
- Restocking: Replenishing supplies as needed, replacing items that are expired or used, and ensuring that the kit is always fully equipped.
> Download the first aid checklist
How to purchase first aid supplies
First aid kits and first aid supplies can be ordered through the UCL eMarket Place. Use the search bar to look for first aid supplies. You can use specific keywords like "first aid" or search for individual items, such as "plasters" or "dressings."
> Further information on first aid equipment
Location, location, location
Keep first aid kits in easily accessible and well-known locations, such as the kitchen or reception area. These areas should not be locked so that anybody in the building can have access to it at all times.
Departments should post signs on doors indicating where first aid boxes are located to help people quickly locate it in case of an emergency. The first aid sign is a white cross on a green background.
In addition to first aid kit signs, departments with chemical hazards may also have signs indicating the location of emergency eye wash stations and safety showers.
Shared responsibility
In some cases, the responsibility for first aid kits may be shared between several departments in a shared building. The first aid kits should be located in communal spaces, such as common reception areas and kitchens, and should serve all occupants of the building.
In shared spaces, the Heads of Departments of the areas involved should formally agree and communicate who will be responsible for checking first aid kits, ordering supplies and replenishing the contents. It is best practice to have a written agreement where possible. Communication and co-ordination between all parties involved is key to maintaining a safe and prepared environment in multi-tenanted buildings.
Get involved
Interested in becoming a workplace first aider? Read the role description and apply to become a first aider.
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