Digital Touch Emoticons: Development, Effectiveness and Usability (£11,500)
Digital Touch Emoticons will bring together experts on touch from social science, neuroscience and computer science with the aim to understand how affective touch can be digitally-mediated to enhance social communication and positive social feedback. The project will use methods from these three disciplines to generate a prototype design and explore how a device for digital touch communication could be best commercialized in the near future. Further Details
The Implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Victims of Gender-Based Domestic Violence and Abuse (G-IoT) (£11,500)
An increasing number of household devices are now "smart" in that they contain sensors, record activity, and share and store data - from teddy bears, door locks to smart TVs. However, little research exists on the gender-based implications such devices have in the context of the domestic household and, specifically, intimate controlling behaviour like gender-based violence and abuse. Further details