The Collaborative Social Science Domain’s Early Career Researcher Network provides support and training to researchers across UCL who are in the early stages of their career.
UCL's Collaborative Social Science Domain (CSSD) fosters collaboration across the various social sciences within UCL, and between the social sciences and the natural and applied sciences, and the humanities across UCL departments and faculties. The Collaborative Social Science Domain’s Early Career Researcher Network provides support and training to researchers across UCL who are in the early stages of their career.
What do we mean by ‘Early Career Researcher’?
We use the UKRI definition of early career researcher stages:
1) Doctoral students (Post-upgrade)
2) Immediately post-doctorate (early stage ECR)
3) Transition to independent researcher (usually up to 6 years from PhD award)
We include those on teaching contracts, who are also undertaking research, within this definition.
Our Network is composed of two groups:
1) Our PhD Coordinating Group produces a quarterly newsletter and organises an event series for doctoral researchers interested in collaborative research
2) Our Early Career Researcher Coordinating Group organise a series of events for ECRs from postdoctoral level to those transitioning to independent career status. The events establish new connections, reflect on what makes successful collaborations, provide key skills and showcase collaborative research. The Group has a Teams group that allows members to connect and share their interests.
Early Career Researcher Network Champion
Professor Emily Dawson (Science and Technology Studies)