9.30am to 16:15, Thursday, 18 November 2021
Building Bridges beyond Disciplinary Boundaries
- Includes a poster competition with gift voucher prizes. The winners will also receive a poster preparation training prize
Venue: Zoom
NB: You will receive a Zoom meeting invitation shortly before the conference
The Collaborative Social Science Domain’s PhD Group’s one-day conference will foster and showcase collaborative social science at UCL. We will bring interdisciplinary early career researchers and PhD students together, provide them with advice for research and careers, and tell them what resources are available to them.
The activity-packed day will include two keynote speakers (Ingrid Schoon and Praveetha Patalay) that are not only renowned in their own fields but have a track record of engaging in high impact multidisciplinary research and projects. The talks will highlight collaborative research and career trajectories for researchers, as well as discuss the interaction between research and the real world (industry) and the importance of interdisciplinarity.
We will also host two panel talks: one featuring ECR members – including PhD candidates – and another with UCL professional services. In the ECR Panel – members will share peer views / experience in terms of getting involved in interdisciplinary work and looking for professional development opportunities that will help researchers further their careers in academia or industry. The UCL professional services panel will highlight the opportunities and support available to doctoral students that aim to empower them to make most of their time as doctoral candidates at UCL, including funding opportunities such as UCL Grand Challenges.
Prize poster competition
The poster competition forms part of the conference and will highlight the collaborative and interdisciplinary research work taking place across UCL at all levels from first-year PhD students to post-docs and ECRs. The competition not only welcomes the submission of collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects, but also encourages people to submit posters about research ideas that bring together people from within and across departments, disciplines and theoretical approaches in UCL. The poster competition will allow people to not only learn about the amazing work taking place across UCL but will also allow them to network with peers. The winners will win a masterclass on poster preparation (worth £100) alongside prizes in the form of gift vouchers of your choice (1st place £50, 2nd and 3rd place £30 each and audience choice £30). Further details about the poster competition
09.35 - 09.45
Welcome & Introduction
09.45 - 10.40
Keynote Address
Doing Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Research: Insights from a Developmental Scientist
Professor Ingrid Schoon, Chair of Social Policy, Social Research Institute, Institute of Education
Screen Break - 10 mins
10.50 - 12.10
Panel Discussion
The ECR Perspective: Forging Collaborations in Your Early Career
Dr Ned Barker, Culture Communication and Media, Institute of Education
Dr Meghna Nag Chowdhuri, Education, Practice and Society, Institute of Education
Maria Long, Psychiatry, Brain Sciences
Michael D'Aprix, Institute of Archaeology, Social & Historical Sciences
12.10 - 13.00
Lunch Break
13.00 - 14.10
Opportunities and Challenges: Making the Most of Your Time at UCL
Dr Jana Dankovicova, Careers Consultant, Careers Researchers Programme, UCL Careers
Dominic Galliano, Head, Public Engagement
Elizabeth Halton, Deputy Director, Doctoral School
Mariana Trejo, Knowledge Exchange Manager, Innovation & Enterprise
Jorina von Zimmermann, Consultancy Manager, UCL Consultants Ltd
Screen Break - 10 mins
14.20 - 15.20
Poster Competition
Dr. Erman Sozudogru, Lecturer, Philosophy of Science and Medicine, Science & Technology Studies, Maths & Physical Sciences, BEAMS
Nuoya Tan, Experimental Psychology, Brain Sciences, SLMS
Jo Volley, Senior Lecturer, Slade School of Fine Art, Arts & Humanities, SLASH
Screen Break - 10 mins
15.30 - 16.10
Closing Address
The Joys and Challenges of Collaborative Cross-Disciplinary Research
Dr Praveetha Patalay, Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Social Science, MRC Unit of Lifelong Health and Ageing, Population Health Sciences, and Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education
16.10 - 16.15
Final Remarks
Aneeza Pervez, Psychology and Human Development, Institute of Education