The poster competition will highlight collaborative and interdisciplinary research work taking place across UCL at all levels from first-year PhD students to post-docs and ECRs.
- The poster competition forms part of a PhD conference, Building Bridges beyond Disciplinary Boundaries, organized by the Collaborative Social Science Domain's PhD Group. Conference details and programme
- The conference poster session will take place: 14.20 to 15.20, Thursday, 18th November 2021
- If you have any queries regarding the poster competition, please contact Michael Aprix, CSSD PhD Group
- Deadline for poster submissions: 10:00, Monday, 8 November 2021
- SUBMIT your poster here
- We would like to thank Kit Logan and Tim Neumann, IOE Learning Technologies Unit, for their support in creating a Moodle for our online poster submission
The poster competition not only welcomes the submission of collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects, but also encourages people to submit posters about research ideas that bring together people from within and across departments, disciplines and theoretical approaches in UCL. The poster competition will allow people to not only learn about the amazing work taking place across UCL but will also allow them to network with peers. The winners will win a masterclass on poster preparation (worth £100) alongside prizes in the form of gift vouchers of your choice (1st place £50, 2nd and 3rd place £30 each and audience choice £30).
All PhD students and ECRs are eligible to submit posters for the competition.
In case your poster is short listed to be featured at the conference you please make sure you or your collaborator are available from 14.20 to 15.20 on 18 November 2021 to give a 4 minute presentation about your poster and take part in a Q & A session. If you cannot attend, you will be required to submit a short audio presentation.
Poster format guidance
- Posters must be submitted as JPEG or PNG files (portrait or landscape orientation) [maximum size 20MB]
- Ensure you have copyright permission to use any images (and appropriately credit images)
- Text should be easy to read (i.e., not too small, consider colour contrasts and readability). You can read more here
- Graphics and pictures need to of a good resolution (i.e., be sharp)
- Your poster’s design key elements: logo/banner, fonts, colours should follow the UCL visual identity
- Include name of all contributors and their affiliations
- Include contact details so viewers can follow up; or a QR code or link to your website or a paper
Evaluation Criteria
Posters must:
- Convey either a piece of original research or propose a future collaborative project
- Highlight the inter-disciplinary character of the project
- Consider the relevance of the images to the presentation – what story are they telling?
- Be engaging/interesting
- Clearly present the rationale for the research study/proposal
Evaluation process and Prizes
Posters will be live from the CSSD PhD conference moodle page on Monday 15th November. The judges will be provided with a marking criterion and a marking sheet by Monday 8th November and will be asked to short-list posters by Monday 15th November. Authors of short-listed posters will be contacted the same day and asked to prepare to present their poster during the live session.
On the day of the conference (Thursday 18th November), the top 5 people will be given 4 min to present their poster. Once all presentations are complete there will a brief Q&A session in which the judges and audience will get the chance to ask any questions they have.
The judges will then go to deliberate for 10 minutes and instructions for voting will be reshared with the audience. The audience will be asked to rank the top three posters (using Mentimeter). The poll will open at the beginning of the poster conference session. And will close just after the judges announce the winners.
At the end of the deliberation period the top three winners will be announced. One audience choice winner will be announced.
Poster judges
- Professor Carey Jewitt, Chair, Collaborative Social Science Domain Chair / Professor of Learning and Technology, UCL Knowledge Lab, Culture, Communication & Media, IOE
- Dr. Erman Sozudogru, Lecturer, Philosophy of Science and Medicine, Science & Technology Studies, Maths & Physical Sciences, BEAMS
- Nuoya Tan, PhD student, Experimental Psychology, Brain Sciences, SLMS
- Jo Volley, Senior Lecturer, Slade School of Fine Art, Arts & Humanities, SLASH