Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health Network
Network update
Our new coordinators is Sarah Ikhtabi sarah.ikhtabi.19@ucl.ac.uk and Dr. Nafiso Ahmed nafiso.ahmed@ucl.ac.uk - please be aware that Sarah only has a few hours on the network per week so there is likely to be a delay in her reply. If you have an urgent enquiry about LSIMHRN please contact Alexandra Pitman a.pitman@ucl.ac.uk or Sonia Johnson s.johnson@ucl.ac.uk but please be aware they also work part-time. If you want to join the network mailing list, please use this link. If you want to let other network members know about something, please use our Slack channels (you can join here) or tag @UCL_Loneliness on Twitter and we will retweet.
Conversations around loneliness and mental health: What helps and what to do if it doesn't
In 2020 a group of researchers, including those with relevant lived experience, from the UKRI Loneliness and Social Isolation in Mental Health Research Network and the NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit at University College London and King’s College London interviewed 59 people to explore what it is like to be lonely or socially isolated if you also struggle with your mental health. As part of the interviews, we asked people what (if anything) had helped them feel less lonely and we have co-produced a booklet to share their words with you.