Black in Physics Week 2020: 25 - 31 Oct
20 October 2020
"#BlackInPhysics is a week dedicated not only to celebrating Black physicists and their contributions to the scientific community, but also to revealing a more complete picture of what a physicist looks like."

#BlackinPhysics Week, organised by, runs from 25 - 31 October, with seven topical days that cover different aspects of physics. It is free to join on Zoom - you just need to sign up to the individual activities on the website to receive the links.
There will be professional and social events, as well as community-building activities on Twitter. Additionally, each day will also feature an article written by Black physicists regarding different aspects of their identities. Each of the following physics disciplines will have one day of #BlackInPhysics week dedicated to them: physics education research, high energy and astrophysics, AMO physics, condensed matter and materials physics, soft condensed matter physics, as well as nuclear and medical physics.
- For more information, please see the website: