Last Terms Lectures Viruses - How can rational drug design help? Professor Elspeth Garman, Department of Molecular Biophysics, University of Oxford.. The Discovery of Blood Circulation Professor Andrew Gregory, UCL Department of Science & Technology Studies. Would you really leave your family to go Colonising Planet Mars as a one-way venture? Professor Alan Aylward, UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy. Net Zero Carbon emission ? The science of limiting global warming. Mr. Sean McQuaid, ERC Equipoise Ltd. London Search for Extrasolar Planets ...and Life beyond solar system with ground and Space based photometry.Dr. Ingo Waldmann. UCL Department of Physics & Astronomy. Right Hand Left hand: The origins of Asymmetry in Brains, Bodies, Atoms and Cultures. Professor Chris McManus. UCL Faculty of Life Sciences (Mis)Communication of Science Dr Mark Fuller and Guests The Hidden World of the Atom Professor Robert Palgrave. UCL Department of Chemistry