
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Work-life Balance and Parental Leave

UCL has a range of policies to support work-life balance and a family-friendly environment.

Flexible working
Leave for domestic and personal reasons
Parental Leave Information

As per the Maternity leave policy, a Risk Assessment must be carried out once an employee has notified their line manager of their pregnancy and this should be reviewed each trimester.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above forms, please visit the MyServices platform. 

Quiet and Breastfeeding Rooms at UCL
REF and Maternity Leave

The number of research outputs that are required for REF submission takes into consideration career breaks due to maternity leave. Prior to REF submission, an Individual Staff Disclosure form is filled out that stipulates any circumstances that have had an effect on your research outputs that will be used to decide on reductions to your submission.

In addition, UCL provides for one term of sabbatical leave without teaching commitments for research active academics returning from maternity leave.