toy car

The car is in my mouth.


Everyone who passes through the bus asks about the boy.

Towards a futorology of the object: Part 5 - Cluedo Card


A Cluedo card for the Toy Car.

Toy Car as potential murder weapon, on the crime scene of the bus.
But the mystery remains unsolved.

Red: The Colour Currency of Nature

Your name: 
Katy Beinart

The Colour Currency of Nature, an article by Nicholas Humphrey, was first published in Colour for Architecture, ed. Tom Porter and Byron Mikellides, pp. 95-98, Studio-Vista, London, 1976.


Your name: 
Chris Okerberg - Iowa, U.S.A

"Ascension" by Chris Okerberg

Tootsie toes, twinkle toes.


Other words for, or sayings incorporating toes are:

'Take Time to Play With Your Kids'

Your name: 
Shannon Roszell - Toronto, Canada

'Take time to play with your kids,’ the ad campaign encourages. A recently acquired 1963 Ford Sunliner Convertible model would be the object of their shared fascination today.

Towards a futurology of the object: Part 3 - Replica


We are making replica copies of the toy car from the stunt copy that we have.

I am Boy X.


When I was younger I used to eat anything... my brother had a large collection of toy cars which i guess i used to enjoy so was never allowed any of my own, instead only getting larger toys.

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