The use of clinical terminology in a wider context
In the case notes accompanying the toy car pathology specimen implicated in the case of lead poisoning, the term ‘mental retardation’ is used as the original diagnosis attributed to the patient.
Black folder accompanying the toy car
A close inspection of the pages of the folder accompanying the toy car positions the object in relation to the other entries under S but also unfolds a series of thoughts in regards to labeling and
Sous le signe de Saturne
Lead poisoning is commonly known in French (and occasionally in English) as "saturnisme". Why Saturn?
Some Nuggets about Zinc
The body of the car is said to be made from zinc. Is zinc poisonous? Where does it come from?
The Oral Stage
[I believe this material can be used under the Fair Dealing "research for non-commercial use" exemption]
zinc deficiency and zinc poisoning
Could the young boy have been trying to lick/bite his way to the zinc underneath the paint? As a pica sufferer he could have been difficient in zinc and needed the metal body of the car!
Edinburgh lead poisoning
When I was about six (so about 1978) my mother made a television film for a current affairs programme about the high levels of lead in the water in Edinburgh, where we lived - the lead poisoning wa
Hit by a bus - the danger of public transport
Poisonous car - dangerous car - dangerous vehicles.
My Favourite Food
"Boy X's favourite "food" was (perhaps) paint. What is yours, and why?"
My favourite food
"Boy X's favourite "food" was (perhaps) paint. What is yours, and why?"