
CT scan of the car


On Friday morning Professor Robert Spiller and researcher Jenny Griffiths took the car into the department of medical physics and bioengineering for it to be CT scanned.

Autonomy and Justice


Autonomy: the ability and right to make informed decisions. In a medical context this relates to decisions about treatment and lifestyle choices.

Testing the car for the presence of bacteria

Your name: 
Jack Ashby

Over the weekend I’ll be attempting to grow bacteria from the car. By inoculating a series of Petri dishes with different growth media we should get some colonies growing.

Pica in cats


Pica: When your pet eats things that aren't food



16.31 15-10-09 (Began Writing): A thought recurring, for some days now: How / when does object begin and end?

"Non-European Extraction" says the doctor: The Transformation in Public Health Ethics.


The realm of Public Health ethics has undergone a radical transformation during the past 50 years.

Blackberries and Petrol

Your name: 
Victoria Weaver

Petrol in Britain used to contain high levels of lead. The exhaust fumes therefore also contained high levels of lead.

Recalled toys


Some of the toys recalled in recent years due to high lead content in the paint.

Interview with Erin Winkles (similar case study of child poisoning / access to medical records)


The attached interview with Erin Winkles discusses a similar case study of infant poisoning which changed the legal responsibility of toy manufacturers in the UK.

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