
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Solar Physics Research

The Solar Physics group has a research focus on physical phenomenon that are stimulated by the active Sun. The list below provides an overview of individual group member research interests.

Permanent Staff

  • Len Culhane (emeritus) – Solar flares, X-ray/EUV spectroscopy.
  • Lucie Green – Active region evolution, coronal mass ejections, flux ropes.
  • Sarah Matthews – Solar flares, particle acceleration and helioseismology.
  • Hamish Reid – Solar flares, solar radio bursts, energetic particle transport, solar wind.
  • Daniel Ryan - Solar flares, solar X-rays, energetic particles, particle acceleration.
  • Lidia Van Driel-Gesztelyi (emeritus) – Magnetic fields, active regions, coronal mass ejections


  • Deborah Baker – Coronal composition, spectroscopy.
  • Alexander James, Coronal magnetic fields, solar radio bursts, coronal mass ejections, particle transport.
  • Natalia Zambrana Prado - EUV spectroscopy, solar wind, coronal composition, solar connectivity.

PhD Students

  • Julio Hernandez Camero - Coronal mass ejections, machine learning, space weather prediction.
  • James McKevitt - Solar flares, coronal magnetic fields, EUV spectroscopy.
  • Emily Mottram - EUV image processing, magnetic field evolution and coronal mass ejections.
  • Nawin Ngampoopun - Coronal holes, coronal dimming, magnetic reconnection, solar wind.

Honorary Staff Members

  • Louise Harra, David Long, Gherardo Valori, Stephanie Yardley