
UCL Department of Space and Climate Physics


Meteosat 3

Weather/climate monitoring - A. Coates, PI of Spacecraft Environment Monitor 2 - (1988-1995)

Meteosat 2

6 August 1994

MTG is the next-generation European operational geostationary meteorological satellite system - a collaborative EUMETSAT/ESA program. Preparatory activities for the EUMETSAT MTG series started in late 2000 in cooperation with ESA, following the decision of the EUMETSAT Council to proceed with a Post-MSG User Consultation Process. The process is aimed at capturing the foreseeable needs of users of EUMETSAT's satellite data in the timeframe of 2015-2035. Typical development cycles of complex space systems are on the order of a decade or more. The current MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) system is expected to deliver observations and services until at least 2018.