See the projects completed by our students, the experts who supervised them, and the institutions who provided funding. We are grateful to all the studentships granted to our students.
Past supervisors of our MBPhD students include:
- Attwell, Prof. David | Division of Biosciences
- Bajaj-Elliott, Dr M. | Institute for Child Health
- Baldeweg, Prof. Torsten | Institute of Child Health
- Batterham, Dr. Rachel | Division of Medicine
- Beck, Prof. Stephan | Cancer Institute
- Bestmann, Dr. Sven | Institute of Neurology
- Bhattacharya, Prof Shomi | Genetics, Institute of Ophthalmology
- Boshoff, Prof. Chris | Cancer Biology, Cancer Institute
- Breckenridge, Dr. Ross | Division of Medicine
- Brown, Dr. Peter | Institute of Neurology
- Brown, Dr. Jeremy | Respiratory Research, Division of Medicine
- Burns, Dr. Siobhan | Division of Infection & Immunity
- Burnstock, Prof. Geoff | Autonomic Neuroscience Institute
- Chambers, Prof. Rachel | Division of Medicine
- Coffin, Dr. Robert | Division of Infection & Immunity
- Collins, Prof. Mary | Infection & Immunity
- Copp, Prof. Andy | Neural Development Unit, Institute for Child Health
- Dawson, Dr. Sally | The Ear Institute
- Dayan, Prof. Peter | Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
- de Coppi, Prof. Paola | Paediatric Surgery, Institute of Child Health
- Deanfield, Prof. John | Vascular Physiology Unit (Great Ormond St)
- Dickenson, Prof. Anthony | Pharmacology
- Dolan, Prof. Ray | Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology
- Ehrenstein, Prof. Mike | Division of Medicine
- Farmer, Dr. Simon | Institute of Neurology
- Ferretti, Dr. Patrizia | Institute of Child Health
- Fitzgerald, Prof. Maria | Division of Bioscience
- Foltynie, Dr. Thomas | Institute of Neurology
- Frackowiak, Prof. Richard | Institute of Neurology
- Garthwaite, Prof. John | Wolfson Institute of Biomedical Research
- Gilroy, Prof. Derek | Division of Medicine
- Godovac-Zimmerman, Prof. Jasminka | Proteomics & Molecular Cell Dynamics
- Gould, Dr. Alex | NIMR
- Gourine, Dr. Alexander | Division of Bioscience
- Guillemot, Dr. Francois | NIMR
- Gustaffson, Dr. Kenth | Institute for Child Health
- Hart, Prof. Graham | Primary Care & Pop Science
- Hausenloy, Dr. Derek | The Hatter Institute, Division of Medicine
- Hayday, Prof. Adrian | CRUK, LRI
- Hingorani, Prof. Aroon | Division of Population Health
- Humphries, Prof. Steve | Division of Medicine
- Hunt, Prof. Seve | Anatomy and Developmental Biology
- Isenberg, Prof. David | Medicine, Rheumatology, Inflammation
- Janes, Dr. Sam | Cancer Therapeutics, Division of Medicine
- Katz, Prof. David | Department of Immunology
- Kellam, Prof. Paul | Immunology and Molecular Pathology.
- Kinnon, Prof. Christine | Institute for Child Health
- Klein, Prof. Nigel | Institute for Child Health
- Laman, Dr. Heike | Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
- Langhorne, Jean | NIMR
- Latchmann, Prof. David | Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology
- Lee, Gary | Division of Medicine
- Lovell-Badge, Robin | NIMR/ Cell and Developmental Biology
- Lythgoe, Dr. Mark | Institute for Child Health
- Macallister, Prof. Raymond | Division of Medicine
- Maguire, Prof. Eleanor | Institute of Neurology
- Maini, Dr. Mala K | Dept. of Immunology and Molecular Pathology
- Marber, Prof. Michael | Cardiology, St Thomas Hospital, Kings College London
- Margrie, Dr. Troy | Division of Biosciences
- Moncada, Prof. Salvador | Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
- Morris, Dr. Emma | Immunology & Molecular Pathology
- Norman, Dr. Jill | Division of Medicine
- Noursadeghi, Dr. Mahdad | Division of Infection & Immunity
- Nurse, Sir Paul | Cancer Research UK LRI
- O'Garra, Dr. Anne | The Francis Crick Institute
- Pillay, Dr. Deenan | Centre for Virology
- Prost, Dr. Audrey | Institute for Child Health
- Raivich, Prof. Gennadij | Institute for Women's Health
- Rees, Dr. Jeremy | Institute of Neurology
- Reis e Sousa, Dr. Caetano | Cancer Research UK, LRI
- Rihel, Dr. Jason | Neuroscience, Physiology & Pharmacology
- Riley, Dr. Paul | Institute for Child Health
- Rothwell, Prof. John | Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders
- Rugg, Prof. M | Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Seddon, Dr. Benedict | NIMR
- Segal, Prof. Tony | Molecular Medicine, Division of Medicine
- Seifalian, Prof. Alex | Division of Surgery & Interventional Science
- Singer, Prof. Mervyn | Clinical Physiology, Division of Medicine
- Skuse, Prof. David | Behavioural Sciences Unit
- Sowden, Dr. J | Institute for Child Health
- Srai, Prof. Kaila | Division of Biosciences
- Stewart, Prof. Gordon | Internal Medicine
- Stoker, Dr. Andrew | Institute for Child Health
- Svejstrup, Prof. Jesper | CRUK LRI
- Swanton, Prof. Charles | CRUK, LRI (MBPhD alum)
- Tabrizi, Prof. Sarah | Institute of Neurology
- Takeuchi, Dr. Yasuhiro | Immunology and Molecular Pathology
- Turner, Dr. James | NIMR (MBPhD alum)
- Vargha-Khadem, Prof Faraneh | Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research
- Wedderburn, Prof. Lucy | Dept of Molecular Pathology
- Wood, Prof. Nick | Molecular Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology
- Yanez, Dr. R | Molecular Immunology Unit, Institute for Child Health
A number of institutions have provided studentships to MBPhD students.
- The Astor Foundation
- British Heart Foundation
- Biomedical Research Centre - UCLH/UCL National Institute for Health Research
- Cancer Research UK
- Crick Institute
- Emily Le Rossignol Foundation
- Freemedic
- George Mills Scholarship/Hugh Percy/Webster scholarships
- Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
- GlaxoSmithKlein
- Institute of Child Health
- Institute of Neurology - Brain Research Trust
- International Journal of Experimental Pathology
- Jean Shanks Foundation
- Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
- The Middlesex Hospital and Medical School General Charitable Trust
- Mills Scholarship
- National Institute for Medical Research
- Rockefeller Fund
- The Rosetrees Trust
- St Peter's Trust
- Triangle Trust
- UCLH Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre (CBRC)
- Wellcome Fellowship
- Whitehead Institute

Former student projects
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Abeyewickreme, Anil (2009)
- Thesis: The effect of bone morphogenetic protein-4 on haematopoietic stem cells
- Supervisor: Prof. Christine Kinnon, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Child Health Research Appeal Trust Studentship
Acosta Saltos, Alejandro (2016)
- Thesis: The role of ALS associated genes and c-Jun in neurodegeneration
- Supervisor: Prof. Gennadij Raivich, Institute for Women's Health
- Funding: Motor Neurone Disease Association
Adler, Sophie (2017)
- Thesis: Cortical morphology and MRI signal intensity analysis in paediatric epilepsy
- Supervisor: Dr Torsten Baldeweg, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
- Funding: The Rosetrees Trust
Al-Juffali, Noura (2014)
- Thesis: Nanoparticle Mediated Delivery of RNA Oligonucleotides for Lung Cancer Therapy
- Supervisor: Prof. Sam Janes, UCL Division of Medicine
- Funding: Self-funded
Alrubaie, Saith (2002)
- Thesis: Analysis of the Drosophila insulin pathway using phosphorylation state-specific antibodies to Drosophila Akt
- Supervisor: Dr Sally Leevers, Cancer Research UK
- Funding: Unknown
Alvares, Debie Maria (1999)
- Thesis: Molecular, cellular and developmental studies of sensory hyperinnervation following neonatal skin wounding
- Supervisor: Prof. Maria Fitzgerald, Division of Biosciences
- Funding: Gwen Bush Foundation; UCL Medical School
Anzak, Anam (2012)
- Thesis: Insights into the neural basis of paradoxical kinesia in Parkinson's disease
- Supervisor: Prof. Peter Brown, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Prof. Peter Brown
Arrich, James (2020)
- Thesis: Innate immune pathways in the draining lymph node
- Supervisor: Prof. Derek Gilroy, Division of Medicine
- Funding: Biomedical Research Council
Auger, Stephen (2014)
- Thesis: What is the function of the human retrosplenial cortex?
- Supervisor: Prof. Eleanor Maguire, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- Funding: UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre - NIHR
Baker, Kate (2004)
- Thesis: Behavioural Phenotypes of the 22q11 Deletion Syndrome
- Supervisor: Prof. David Skuse, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
- Funding: PPP Healthcare Research & Child Health Research Action Trust
Bartlett, Richard (2020)
- Thesis: Tissue engineering & regenerative medicine to repair the spinal cord
- Supervisor: Dr James Phillips, Eastman Dental Hospital
- Funding: The Sackler Fund
Best, Lawrence (2020)
- Thesis: Magnetic resonance imaging of mouse models of de and dysmyelination
- Supervisor: Prof. William Richardson, Division of Medicine
- Funding: The Rosetrees Trust
Bell, Lucy Caitriona Keirnan (2015)
- Thesis: Modulation of cell-mediated immunity by HIV-1 infection of macrophages
- Supervisor: Dr Mahdad Noursadeghi
- Funding: Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Bhatt, Mrudul (2018)
- Thesis: A dynamic causal modelling study of the healthy and post-stroke brain
- Supervisor: Dr Nicholas Ward, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Biswas, Dhruva (2021)
- Thesis: Molecular Portraits of Cancer Evolution and Ecology
- Supervisor: Prof. Charles Swanton, UCL Cancer Institute
- Funding: Jean Shanks Foundation & UCL MBPhD Programme
Bokhoven, Marieke Christina (2008)
- Thesis: Measurement of insertional mutagenesis by retroviral and lentiviral vectors
- Supervisor: Dr Yasu Takeuchi / Prof. Mary Collins
- Funding: International Journal of Experimental Pathology; Department of Health
Bricogne, Christopher Charles (2015)
- Thesis: Plasma membrane dynamics regulating the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway
- Supervisor: Prof. Mary Collins, Cancer Institute
- Funding: The Rosetrees Trust; Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Brown, Alexander Philip Yehuda (2016)
- Thesis: Intrinsic and visually-evoked properties of layer 2/3 neurons in mouse primary visual cortex and their dependence on sensory experience
- Supervisor: Prof. Troy Margrie, Sainsbury Wellcome Centre (UCL)
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
Burrell, Rebecca Alison
- Thesis: Replication stress links structural and numerical chromosomal instability in colorectal cancer
- Supervisor: Prof. Charles Swanton, UCL Cancer Institute
- Funding: Cancer Research UK
Candler, Paul (2008)
- Thesis: Antigen identification in paraneoplastic and post-infectious neurological disorders
- Supervisor: Dr J Lees
- Funding: International Journal of Pathology
Cavanagh, Sean (2019)
- Thesis: Neural computations for working memory and decision making
- Supervisor: Dr Steve Kennerley, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Middlesex Hospital Medical School General Charitable Trust
Chandarana, Keval Niranjan (2010)
- Thesis: Gut hormone interactions in glucose homeostasis, appetite control and bodyweight regulation
- Supervisor: Dr Rachel Batterham, Department of Medicine
- Funding: Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Clarke, Kelly Louise (2013)
- Thesis: Exploring maternal mental health in the perinatal period and interventions to improve it in Dhanusha district, Nepal
- Supervisor: Dr Audrey Prost, Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Dabbagh, Nadia (2000)
- Thesis: Parasuicide in Arab Palestinian society of the West Bank
- Supervisor: Prof. Roland Littlewood, Department of Anthropology
- Funding: UCL Medical School
Damry, Djamil (2021)
- Thesis: Role of TNFSF9 in germinal centre B cells and lymphoma formation
- Supervisor: Dr Dinis Calado, Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: Cancer Research UK; Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Das, Abhishek (2009)
- Thesis: Constraints on the CD8 T cell response in chronic HBV infection
- Supervisor: Prof. Mala Maini, Institute of Immunity & Transplantation
- Funding: Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Davidson-Moncado, Jan Kenneth (2000)
- Thesis: The involvement of PKD in Fcγ receptor activation of the NADPH oxidase in human neutrophils
- Supervisor: Dr Lodewijk Dekker, now University of Nottingham
- Funding: Wellcome Trust; Overseas Research Student Award
Davis, Benjamin Michael (2011)
- Thesis: Understanding the connections between men's perpetration of intimate partner violence, alcohol use and sexual behaviour in Dharavi, Mumbai
- Supervisor: Prof. Graham Hart, Institute for Global Health; Martine Collumbien, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Funding: GlaxoSmithKlein
Devine, Oliver Patrick (2019)
- Thesis: The role of fibroblast senescence in cutaneous immune ageing
- Supervisor: Prof. Arne Akbar, Division of Infection & Immunity
- Funding: UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre - NIHR
Di Marco Barros, Rafael (2017)
- Thesis: Tissue-specific Butyrophilin-like molecules are master regulators of intraepithelial γδ T cell composition
- Supervisor: Prof. Adrian Hayday, Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: Cancer Research UK; Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Dhasmana, Devesh (1999)
- Thesis: The role of the Schwann cell in the induction of elongative central axonal growth
- Supervisor: Prof. Geoff Raisman, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: British Neurological Research Trust; International Spinal Research Trust
Direkze, Shamindra Gerald (2006)
- Thesis: Characterisation of transcriptional mediator subunit, MED17 and its regulation by cyclins
- Supervisor: Prof. Chris Boshoff, UCL Cancer Institute
- Funding: Astor Foundation
Donaldson, Callum (2018)
- Thesis: Investigating the relationship between core stability and early life cycle events in HIV-1
- Supervisor: Dr Kate Bishop, National Institute for Medical Research
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
Ellis, Shawn David Ponniah (2014)
- Thesis: The induction and characterisation of CD8+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells by anti-CD3 mAb in inflammatory arthritis
- Supervisor: Prof. Michael Ehrenstein, Division of Medicine
- Funding: UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre - NIHR
Ereira, Samuel Philip Aaron (2019)
- Thesis: A neurocomputational account of self-other distinction: from cell to society
- Supervisor: Prof. Ray Dolan, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Prof. Ray Dolan; Mary Kinross Professorship
Ekert, Justyna (2021)
- Thesis: Improving our understanding of speech and language outcome in neurosurgery patients
- Supervisor: Prof. Catherine Price, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Middlesex Hospital Medical School General Charitable Trust
Field, Nigel (2004)
- Thesis: Functions of KSHV-encoded FLIP
- Supervisor: Prof. Chris Bishoff, UCL Cancer Institute
- Funding: Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Gan, Chih Hao Victor (2006)
- Thesis: Gene therapy of the scid/scid mouse by homologous recombination
- Supervisor: Prof. Rafael Yáñez; Prof. Adrian Thrasher, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Overseas (Singapore); Samuel Bridge Trust
Ghosh, Marcus (2019)
- Thesis: Autism-associated genes, circuits & behaviour in zebrafish
- Supervisor: Prof. Jason Rihel, Division of Biosciences
- Funding: Medical Research Council (MRC) Doctoral Training Grant
Gilbertson, Thomas Patrick (2006)
- Thesis: Oscillatory activity in the human motor system
- Supervisor: Prof. Peter Brown, now University of Oxford
- Funding: Lord Amulree Trust
Godfrey, Andrew Robert (2006)
- Thesis: Lentiviral vectors as tools for gene manipulation
- Supervisor: Prof. Chris Boshoff, UCL Cancer Institute
- Funding: Freemedic
Gordon-Williams, Richard (2009)
- Thesis: Neuronal and non‐neuronal mechanisms in a rat model of cancer‐ induced bone pain
- Supervisor: Prof. Anthony Dickenson, Division of Biosciences
- Funding: Wellcome Trust Fellowship
Harsum, Steven (1999)
- Thesis: Cutaneous innervation and wound healing studies in the developing chick wing
- Supervisor: Prof. Paul Martin, now University of Bristol
- Funding: Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
Hartington, Thomas (Current)
- Thesis: How genetic changes in the NFKB1 gene cause primary immunodeficiency
- Supervisor: Dr Siobhan Burns, Division of Infection & Immunity
- Funding: The Rosetrees Trust; MBPhD programme
Heukamp, Lukas Carl (2000)
- Thesis: Cellular immune responses against the tumour associated polymorphic epithelial mucin MUC1
- Supervisor: Prof. Joyce Taylor-Papadimitriou; Prof. Dr. Rienk Offringa, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
- Funding: Unknown
Holt, James Keith Langford (2003)
- Thesis: An analysis of the role of T-box genes in development of the mammalian retina
- Supervisor: Prof. Jane Sowden, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
- Funding: The Child Health Research Appeal Trust (CHRAT)
Hunt, David (2004)
- Thesis: Molecular approaches to axonal regeneration
- Supervisor: Dr Robert Coffin, Founder & President, Replimune
- Funding: The Royal Free School of Medicine
Huys, Quentin (2007)
- Thesis: Reinforcers and control: Towards a computational aetiology of depression
- Supervisor: Prof. Peter Dayan, now Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
- Funding: Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
Hyams, Catherine (2010)
- Thesis: The role of the Streptococcus pneumoniae capsule in interactions with complement and phagocytes
- Supervisor: Prof. Jeremy Brown, Division of Medicine
- Funding: Astor Foundation; GlaxoSmithKline
Jafree, Daniyal (2022)
- Thesis: The Kidney Lymphatic Vasculature: Development, Cellular Origins and Implications for Renal Diseases
- Supervisor: Dr Erik Sahai, Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: Francis Crick Institute
Jenner, William (2013)
- Thesis: In Vivo Characterisation of Ischaemic Preconditioning in Rodents and Humans
- Supervisor: Prof. Raymond MacAllister, Division of Medicine
- Funding: UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre - NIHR; British Heart Foundation
Joyce, Aengus
- Thesis: Minority species assays and drug resistance in the HIV-1 virus
- Supervisor: Prof. Deenan Pillay, Division of Infection and Immunity; Prof. the Hon, Richard Tedder
- Funding: Astor Foundation
Joyce, Holly (Current)
- Thesis: Investigating structural mechanics in tumour cell biology
- Supervisor: Dr Erik Sahai, Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: Francis Crick Institute
Kahan, Joshua James (2014)
- Thesis: Investigating the mechanism of action of Deep Brain Stimulation using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Supervisor: Dr Thomas Foltynie, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders
- Funding: Rosetrees Charitable Trust, the Astor Foundation and the Middlesex Hospital Medical School General Charitable Trust
Kia, Demis (2014)
- Thesis: Genetics of Movement Disorders
- Supervisor: Professor Nick Wood, Research Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment
- Funding: International Journal of Experimental Pathology
Kiani-Alikhan, Sorena (2020)
- Thesis: DNA vaccination against human carcinoembryonic antigen; The effect of coding and non-coding sequences
- Supervisor: Professor Peter Beverley
- Funding: Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Knight, Sean B. (2012)
- Thesis: Lentiviral vectors for gene therapy
- Supervisor: Professor Mary Collins, Department of Immunology and Molecular Pathology
- Funding: Unknown
Krupiczojc, Malvina A. (2008)
- Thesis: The role of coagulation factor Xa in pulmonary fibrosis
- Supervisor: Dr Rachel Chambers, University College London, Centre of Inflamattion and Tissue Repair
- Funding: Rockefeller Fund
Kwan, Antonia PY. (2005)
- Thesis: Plasticity in gene expression programmes of dendritic cells responding to antigens
- Supervisor: Professor Paul Kellam, Imperial College London
- Funding: Triangle Trust (University of London), ORS Award (Universities UK)
Kyrtatos, Panagiotis (2010)
- Thesis: Cell targeting and imaging using magnetic nanoparticles
- Supervisor: Dr Mark Lithgow/Andrew Taylor, RCS Unit of Biophysics, Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Institute of Child Health (CHRAT)
La Hausse de Lalouvier, Luke PA (2013)
- Thesis: The processing of inflammatory joint pain in the developing spinal cord
- Supervisor: Professor Maria Fitzgerald, Division of Bioscience
- Funding: UCL MRC DTA Award
Lee, Alvin Jun Xing (2012)
- Thesis: An investigation of chromosmal instability survival mechanisms in cancer
- Supervisor: Professor Charles Swanton, Cancer Research UK, LRI
- Funding: CRUK
Lee, King-Yin MA (2009)
- Thesis: FGF and TGFbeta signalling in an in-vitro model of craniosynostosis
- Supervisor: Professor Patrizia Ferretti, University College London GOS Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Institute of Child Health (CHRAT)
Lee, Simon FK.
- Thesis:
- Supervisor:
- Funding:
Levine, Adam P (2015)
- Thesis: The genetics of inflammatory bowel disease in Ashkenzai Jewish extended multiplex kindreds
- Supervisor: Professor Tony Segal, University College London Division of Medicine
- Funding: Irwin Joffe Memorial Fellowship
Lewis, Martin, Alexander
- Thesis: Investigation and classification of novel cGMP binding proteins in the nervous system and their role in neuroprotection
- Supervisor: Professor John Garthwaite
- Funding: Emily Le Rossignol Foundation
Lim, Michael Wei Cheng (2016)
- Thesis: Biochemical Characterization of the CHD1, CHD5 and SMARCAD1 Chromatin Remodellers
- Supervisor: Professor Jesper Svejstrup, Cancer Research UK, LRI
- Funding: Cancer Research UK
Loukogeorgakis, Stavros (2006)
- Thesis: Remote ischaemic preconditioning in humans
- Supervisor: Professor John Deanfield, UCL and Professor Raymond Macallister, UCL
- Funding: BHF/ICH
McKinnon, Christopher A (2013)
- Thesis: The Role of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Prion Disease Pathogenesis
- Supervisor: Professor Sarah Tabrizi, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: UCLH/UCL NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
MacDougall, Tom HJ (1999)
- Thesis: Interactions between dendritic cells and HIV-1
- Supervisor: Professor David R. Katz and Professor Benny Chain, UCL
- Funding: Unknown
Machhada, Asif (2015)
- Thesis: Control of the Heart by Neurones of the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus Nerve
- Supervisor: Professor Alexander Gourine, Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology
- Funding: The Rosetrees Charitable Trust and Medical Research Council
Maghsoudlou, Panayiotis (2015)
- Thesis: Tissue engineering using natural acellular matrices
- Supervisor: Professor Paolo de Coppi, GOSH
- Funding: MRC DTG
Malalasekera, W M Nishantha (2016)
- Thesis: Neuronal Mechanisms of Decision Making in the Prefrontal Cortex
- Supervisor: Dr Simon Farmer, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders
- Funding: Astor Foundation, the Rosetrees Charitable Trust and the Middlesex Hospital Medical School General Charitable Trust
Man, Sharon HW (2008)
- Thesis: Functional development of nociceptive spino-bulbo-spinal pathways in postnatal rats
- Supervisor: Professor Stephen Hunt and Professor Michaelf Fitzgerald, UCL
- Funding: Department of Anatomy Funds
Mannion, Richard J (1999)
- Thesis: The survival and growth of sensory neurons following peripheral nerve injury
- Supervisor: Professor Clifford J. Woolf, Harvard Stem Cell Institute
- Funding: Unknown
Marks, Daniel JB (2006)
- Thesis: Investigation of the acute inflammatory response in Crohn's disease
- Supervisor: Professor Tony Segal, University College London Centre for Molecular Medicine
- Funding: Freemedic
Miller, James (2016)
- Thesis: Immune and huntingtin biology in Huntington's disease
- Supervisor: Professor Sarah Tabrizi, University College London Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Rosetress Charitable Trust and MRC DTG
Mukherjee, Uma A (2013)
- Thesis: The Role of DJ-1 in Cardioprotection
- Supervisor: Dr Derek Hausenloy, University College London Divison of Medicine
- Funding: British Heart Foundation
Neary, Marrianne, T (2015)
- Thesis: The role of oxygen in the postnatal maturation and adaption of the cardiovascular system
- Supervisor: Dr Ross Breckenridge, National Institute for Medical Research/Division of Medicine
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
NG, Hui Lin, Dorothy (2012)
- Thesis: Loss and recovery of Humoral Immunity to Influenza Virus following Malaria Infection
- Supervisor: Professor Jean Langhorne and Professor George Kassiotis, The Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: A*STAR Graduate Academy and Medical Research Council
Nunn, Adam, C (2012)
- Thesis: The role of SOX9 in neural progenitor identity
- Supervisor: Dr Robin Lovell-Badge, National Institute for Medical Research/ UCL Division of Biosciences
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
O'Farrell, Fergus (2016)
- Thesis: Pericyte-mediated regulation of cerebral and coronary blood flow in health and disease
- Supervisor: Professor David Attwell, Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology
- Funding: Rosetrees Charitable Trust and MRC DTG
Ong, Shao Jin (2003)
- Thesis: The beta-defensin expression in response to neissaria meningitides: a potential mechanism for regulating nasopharyngeal carriage
- Supervisor: Dr Mona Bajaj-Elliot and Professor Norbert Klein, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Consolidated PG Fund
Pachnis, Panayotis (2013)
- Thesis: Growth and metabolism in adult Drosophila
- Supervisor: Dr Alex Gould, Deparmental Neurobiology, National Institute for Medical Research
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
Pandya, Virenkumar A (2017)
- Thesis: Understanding motor neuron and muscle disease using human stem cells
- Supervisor: Dr Rickie Patani, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: The Rosetrees Trust and MBPhD Programme
Pang, Donald X
- Thesis: Transcription Factors and Disease: A molecular investigation into association and function
- Supervisor: Professor Steve Humphries, Cardiovascular Genetics, Department of Medicine
- Funding: Self-funding
Papakrivopoulou, Eugenia S (Jenny)
- Thesis: The Role Map Kinases in the Regulation of Mechanical Load-Induced Procollagen Gene Expression in Cardiac Fibroblasts
- Supervisor: Dr Jill Bishop, University College London
- Funding: Unknown
Parr, Thomas (2019)
- Thesis: The computational neurology of active vision
- Supervisor: Professor Karl Friston, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
- Funding: The Rosetrees Charitable Trust
Patterson, James O (2018)
- Thesis: Quantitative biology of cell cycle decision making
- Supervisor: Sir Paul Nurse, CRUK LRI
- Funding: Cancer Research UK, LRI
Pharoah, Daniel SB
- Thesis: The Role of Endothelial Cell Antigen Presentation in regulating T-cell traffic: Implications for the pathogenesis of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
- Supervisor: Dr Lucy Wedderburn
- Funding: Unknown
Phillips, Jacqueline Anne (2002)
- Thesis: An investigation of the functional neuroanatomy of action ideation
- Supervisor: Professor Cathy Price, Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging
- Funding: Wellcome Trust
Picker, Simon R (2014)
- Thesis: Molecular Characterisation of Focal Cortical Dysplasia and Tuberous Sclerosis
- Supervisor: Dr Francois Guillmot, National Institute for Medical Research
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
Pollara, Gabriel (2005)
- Thesis: Functional consequences of HSV-1 infection of dendritic cells
- Supervisor: Professor David Katz and Professor Benny Chain, University College London Division of Infection and Immunity
- Funding: George Mills Scholarship
Pollen, Sean (2020)
- Thesis: The Effect of Circulating Humoral Factors on Mitochondria in Septic AKI
- Supervisor: Professor Mervyn Singer, Division of Medicine
- Funding: UCL MBPhD Programme
Pospori, Constandina (2012)
- Thesis: WT1 TCR gene transfer into haematopoietic stem cells: In vivo functional analysis of WT1-specific T cells
- Supervisor: Dr Emma Morris, Department of Immunology and Molecular Pathology, Royal Free Campus
- Funding: Freemedic
Powell, Benjamin E (2017)
- Thesis: Identification of Conditions to Induce and Maintain Naive Human Pluripotency
- Supervisor: Professor Stefan Beck, Cancer Institute
- Funding: Whitehead Institute, MIT
Rawji, Vishal (2019)
- Thesis: Impulsivity in Parkinson's disease and Tourette syndrome, and human motor decision making
- Supervisor: Professor John Rothwell, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: MRC DTG
Knight (Nee RAZA), Saba, Rose (2012)
- Thesis: The role of Zic2 in spinal neural tube morphogenesis
- Supervisor: Professor Andy Copp, Institute of Child Health
- Funding: UCL MRC DTA Award
Rose, Anna M (2012)
- Thesis: Transcriptional regulation of PRPF31: the role of variable gene expression in determining phenotype in retinitis pigmentosa
- Supervisor: Professor Shomi Bhattacharya, Institute of Opthalmology
- Funding: The Astor Foundation and the Rosetrees Charitable Trust
Rossdeutsch, Alexander (2011)
- Thesis: The role of thymosin beta4 in vascular development
- Supervisor: Dr Paul Riley, Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Self-funding
Rounis, Elisabeth (2007)
- Thesis: The use of functional neuroimaging to study reorganisation of the motor system during task performance following altered corticospinal excitability caused by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Supervisor: Professor John Rothwell, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
- Funding: ION Funding, Brain Research Trust
Ryten (nee Bar-Isaac), Mina (2003)
- Thesis: Purinergic signalling in mammalian skeletal muscle development and regeneration
- Supervisor: Professor Geoff Burnstock, UCL Department of Anatomy and Developmental Biology
- Funding: Departmental Research Studentship (UCLMS)
Sayers, Jacob (2022)
- Thesis: Role of Neuropilins in regulating macrophase function and the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the mouse.
- Supervisor: Professor Ian Zachary, University College London Division of Medicine
- Funding: British Heart Foundation
Schim Van Der Loeff, Ina (2013)
- Thesis: The role of Zap70 in naive T cell homeostasis
- Supervisor: Dr Benedict Seddon, University College London Division of Infection and Immunity/NIMR
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research (Mill Hill)
Sefe, Delali, K (2011)
- Thesis: T-cell kinetics in HIV infected children
- Supervisor: Professor Nigel Klein, University College London, Infection, Immunity and Inflammation Department, UCL GOS Insitute of Child Health
- Funding: GSK
Sewell, Gavin W (2011)
- Thesis: An investigation of molecular defects underlying impaired acute inflammation in Crohn's disease
- Supervisor: Professor Anthony Segal, Department of Medicine
- Funding: MRC DTG
Seyed-Safi, Ashkon (2020)
- Thesis: Soluble factors in the limbal niche: The role of Wnt signalling in the limbal response to corneal wounding
- Supervisor: Professor Julie Daniels, Ocular Biology and Therapeutics, Institute of Opthalmology, Faculty of Brain Sciences
- Funding: The Rosetrees Trust and MBPhD programme
Shakib, Keveh (2002)
- Thesis: Transcriptional regulation of the collagen alpha1(1) gene by hypoxia
- Supervisor: Professor Jill Norman, University College London Division of Medicine
- Funding: The Frances and Augustus Newman Foundation
Sharma, Annesh (2018)
- Thesis: Investigating the effects of chemotherapy on the clonal distribution of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, using a barcoding and fluorescence-imaging based approach
- Supervisor: Professor Dominique Bonnet, Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: The Francis Crick Institute
Sharma, Pundrique R (2002)
- Thesis: Programmed cell death during heart development
- Supervisor:
- Funding:
Shiltagh, Nuha (2013)
- Thesis: Solution structure of the factor VIII binding region on von Willebrand factor
- Supervisor: Professor Kaila Srai, Division of Biosciences
- Funding: The International Journal of Experimental Pathology and The Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre
Smith, Adam PR (2005)
- Thesis: Neural basis of the episodic retrieval of emotional memories
- Supervisor: Professor Michael Rugg and Professor Ray Dolan, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Freemedic
Smolicz, Izabella (2022)
- Thesis: Clinical, pathological and molecular characteristics of fatal childhood central nervous system tumours: a post-mortem study
- Supervisor: Professor Thomas Jacques, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, Faculty of Population Health Sciences and Professor Neil Sebire, UCL GOSH for Children NHS Foundation Trust
- Funding: Child Health Research Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CHR CIO) PhD Studentship
Snell, Daniel (2018)
- Thesis: The role of the X-chromosome in embryonic and postnatal growth
- Supervisor: Dr James Turner, Cell and Developmental Biology, Division of Biosciences/NIMR
- Funding: NIMR
Stannard, Corrine (2003)
- Thesis: An investigation of modification to endothelin receptors A and B, and downstream proteins, using proteomic techniques.
- Supervisor: Professor Jasminka Godovac-Zimmermann, Rayne Institute and Dr Julian Downward, Signal Transduction Laboratory, Cancer Research UK
- Funding: Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
Stimpson, Phillipa Jay (2015)
- Thesis: Protective role for GM-CSF in the primary immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and recall responses following vaccination
- Supervisor: Dr Anne O'Garra, Division of Infection and Immunity/Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
Storm, Catherine (2022)
- Thesis: Using genetics to understand and develop treatments for Parkinson's disease
- Supervisor: Professor Nick Wood, Institute of Neurology
- Funding: The Rosetrees Trust and the MBPhD Programme
Strange, Bryan A (2003)
- Thesis: Imaging the functions of human hippocampus
- Supervisor: Professor Ray Dolan and Professor Karl Friston, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Unknown
Street, James (2022)
- Thesis: Cortical contributions to landmark integration in the rodent head direction system
- Supervisor: Dr Kate Jeffery
- Funding: Middlesex Hospital Medical School General Charitable Trust
Swanton, R Charles (1998)
- Thesis: Viral cyclin disruption of mammalian cell cycle control mechanisms
- Supervisor: Unknown
- Funding: Unknown
Swerdlow, Daniel, I (2012)
- Thesis: Validation of therapeutic targets in cardiometabolic disease using Mendelian randomisation
- Supervisor: Professor Aroon Hingorani, Infection and Population Health
- Funding: UCL MRC DTA Award
Tan, Geoffrey Chern-yee (2011)
- Thesis: Genetic dissection of sex differences in human brain and behaviour
- Supervisor: Professor Richard Frackowiak, The Institute of Neurology
- Funding: Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore
Thomasson, Rachel (2006)
- Thesis: Visual cognition after hemispherectomy: a neuropsychological study
- Supervisor: Professor Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, UCL GOS Institue of Child Health
- Funding: Medical Research Council and Child Health Action Research Trust
Tornari, Chrysostomos (2010)
- Thesis: Identification and characterisation of gene regulation by the POU4F3 (BRN-3C) transcription factor in the inner ear.
- Supervisor: Dr Sally Gale, Jonathon Gale
- Funding: GSK
Turner, James MA (2000)
- Thesis: An investigation into the role of sex chromosome synapsis in meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and fertility.
- Supervisor: Professor Paul Burgoyne, Francis Crick Institute
- Funding: National Institute for Medical Research
Turner, Eleanor Jane H (2002)
- Thesis: Vesiculation and rafts in stomatocytic red cells
- Supervisor: Dr GW Stewart Rayne Institute, University College London and Professor NM Hooper, School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Leeds University
- Funding: The International Journal of Pathology
Turtle, Lance CW (2001)
- Thesis: Chemical and immunological characterisation of the glycophospholipid and phospho-oligosaccharide from myobacteria
- Supervisor: Professor Graham Rook, Department of Bacteriology, UCL Medical School and Professor Tom Rademacher, Department of Molecular Medicine, UCL Medical School
- Funding: Unknown
Tyrrell-Price, Jonathon (2003)
- Thesis: The effect of interleukin-10 and of interleukin-12 on the anti-double-stranded DNA antibody production by the blood lymphocytes of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
- Supervisor: Professor David Isenberg, UCL Centre for Rheumatology and Bloomsbury Rheumatology Unit and Professor Peter Lydyard, Division of Infection and Immunity
- Funding: Unknown
Wagstaff, Marcus JD (1997)
- Thesis: The neuroprotective effect of the heat shock proteins
- Supervisor: Professor David S. Latchman, University College London
- Funding: Jules Thorn Charitable Trust
Watkins, Thomas (2020)
- Thesis: The role of chromosomal instability and parallel evolution in cancer
- Supervisor: Professor Charlies Swanton, Cancer Research UK LRI
- Funding: Marie Curie Actions EU PhD Fellowship as part of PloidyNet working group
Wee, Ryan (2020)
- Thesis: Ventral hippocampal circuits for the state-dependent control of feeding behaviour
- Supervisor: Dr Andrew MacAskill, University College London, Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology, Division of Biosciences, Faculty of Life Sciences
- Funding: UCL ORS and GRS
Weinberg, Isobel (2018)
- Thesis: Expectation in motor planning and execution
- Supervisor: Dr Dven Bestmann, Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders
- Funding: Biomedical Research Council
Wilson, Nicola, Ann
- Thesis: Mesothelial cell derived TGFbeta and its role in adhesive serosal disease
- Supervisor: Dr Rachel Chambers, University College London, Centre of Inflamattion and Tissue Repair
- Funding: Mills Scholarship
Winston, Joel S (2005)
- Thesis: Emotive aspects of face perception and the human brain
- Supervisor: Professor Ray Dolan
- Funding: Unknown
Wright, Matthew J (1999)
- Thesis: In Vivo Myocardial Gene Transfer: Optimisation and Evaluation of Gene Transfer Models and Vectors
- Supervisor: Professor Michael Barber, King's College London and Professor David Latchman, University College London
- Funding: Triangle Trust Studentship, Jules Thorne Trust, Wellcome Trust and British Heart Foundation
Wu, Yin (2009)
- Thesis: A study of non-classical immune interactions with influenza A virus.
- Supervisor: Dr Kenth Gustafsson, University College London, Institute of Child Health
- Funding: Jean Shanks Fund
Wykes, Victoria (2004)
- Thesis: Functional Characteristics of nitric oxide receptor isoforms
- Supervisor: Professor J Garthwaite, University College London Division of Biosciences
- Funding: Rockefeller Fund
Yildirimer, Esra Lara (2014)
- Thesis: A novel biodegradable polyurethane incorporating polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane nanocomposite and applications for skin tissue engineering.
- Supervisor: Professor Alex Seifalian, University College London Division of Surgery and Interventional Science
- Funding: Rosetrees Charitable Trust and MRC DTF
Zarafov, Antonios (2018)
- Thesis: Investigation function and biochemical consequences of p110 delta overactivity in innate immunity
- Supervisor: Dr Siobhan Burns, University College London Divison of Infection and Immunity
- Funding: NIHR UCLH Biomedical Research Centre