
UCL Division of Medicine


DoM Virtual Seminar: Professor Laurent Arnaud

08 June 2023, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Laurent Arnaud Profile head shot grey background

‘What are the main 2023 Challenges in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?’

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff | UCL students






Alison Kelly – Division of Medicine

‘What are the main 2023 Challenges in Systemic Lupus  Erythematosus?’

Professor Laurent Arnaud
Professor of Medicine / Senior Rheumatology Consultant
Department of Rheumatology
French National Reference Center for Autoimmune Diseases (RESO)
Laurent.arnaud@chru-strasbourg.frTwitter: Lupusreference

Host: Professor Anisur Rahman
Professor of Rheumatology
Department of Inflammation UCL

Thursday 8th June 2023 at 13:00 -14:00
This seminar will take place on Teams only (link)

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by a wide variability of clinical manifestations and a course frequently subject to unpredictable flares. Despite significant advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology and optimization of medical care, patients with SLE still have significant mortality and carry a risk of progressive organ damage accrual and reduced health-related quality of life. New tools allow earlier classification of SLE, whereas tailored early interventions and novel treatment strategies targeted to clinical remission or low disease activity offer the opportunity of improving long-term outcomes. Nevertheless, the early diagnosis of SLE is still an unmet need for many patients. Further disentangling SLE risk factors and its complex pathogenesis will enable the identification of more accurate biomarkers as well as new ways to measure disease activity. This could represent a major step forward for developing new drugs, optimizing the use of currently available therapeutics and minimizing glucocorticoids. Preventing and treating comorbidities in SLE, improving the management of hard-to-treat manifestations including management of SLE during pregnancy are among the remaining major unmet needs. During this talk, we will provide further insights on the main 2023 challenges and unmet needs in SLE.

The seminars are open to UCL & UCLH staff, students and their visitors. Please contact alison.kelly@ucl.ac.uk for all enquires  
Audience members: Please ensure that your mic is muted and video turned off during the talk. There will be a 10-minute Q&A at the end of the talk. Please ensure that you use the ‘raise hand’ function if you would like to ask a question. Thank you.