
UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences


VIRTUAL EVENT: Painless restoration of children’s teeth

16 January 2024, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

Event poster featuring a child at a dentist clinic and photos of Anne Young and Paul Ashley

Prof Anne Young and Prof Paul Ashley will talk about the progress made on painless restoration of children's teeth.

This event is free.

Event Information

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Emiliana Di Donna & Dr Zahra Mohri – Faculty of Medical Sciences

In preparation for International Dentist Day (9 February 2024), the UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences will deliver this talk about the progress made on painless restoration of children's teeth.

In the UK, 24% of five-year-old children have caries affecting three to four of their teeth but less than 10% are filled. Previously, teeth were restored with silver mercury amalgam fillings but in July 2018 their use in children’s teeth was banned due to the toxic effects of mercury in our environment. The alternative composite materials used to fill adult teeth are time-consuming to place making them highly unsuitable for young children. To address this issue, we have developed SMART composites that can be painlessly placed in less than five instead of 30 minutes. This presentation will discuss the long journey we have undertaken to get these new materials into clinical trial.

This lecture will be followed by a Q&A with our speakers Prof Anne Young and Prof Paul Ashley, UCL Eastman Dental Institute.

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About the Speakers

Prof Anne Young

Professor of Biomaterials


Anne Young photo

Anne Young is a Professor of Biomaterials at the Eastman Dental Institute working on new materials for tooth and bone repair.  The SMART composites that her group has been developing, in collaboration with Schottlander Dental Company, are designed to enable the restoration of children’s teeth without the need for anaesthetic or drilling.

Paul Ashley

Deputy Programme Director for the MSc in Paediatric Dentistry

Paul Ashley photo

Prof Paul Ashley has been working at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute since 1998 where he now runs the Professional Doctorate in Paediatric Dentistry and is deputy programme director for the MSc in Paediatric Dentistry. Prof  Ashley works closely with Prof Anne Young, supporting her work on the development of novel materials for dental restoration. He has an interest in evidence-based dentistry and the management of pain and anxiety in children