
UCL Medical School


Selection Procedure

Applying for Medicine at UCL

There continues to be considerable pressure on the available places for students to read Medicine. Applications typically exceed 3800 for a total of 334 places. We do not have the capacity to interview all eligible applicants.

Selection for Interview

All applications are read and assessed carefully by several people.

The following factors are taken into account when deciding which candidates to interview.

  • Predicted and actual grades. Although there is no simple relationship between academic performance and whether or not a student will make a ‘good’ doctor, there is evidence that those with low grades or those who need to re-sit examinations are more likely to have academic problems with the programme. Predicted grades for qualifications not yet completed must meet our published entry requirements.
  • For applications received for 2023 entry onwards, we will no longer be using the Personal Statement as part of the selection procedure. We encourage applicants to use the opportunity of writing their personal statements to think reflectively about their skills and experiences, and how they have helped to prepare them for a career in medicine. This includes evidencing attributes, skills, behaviours and values needed to work within the healthcare service.
  • From 2023 entry onwards, we will be using BMAT scores alone to select eligible students for interview. Selection will be based upon the ranked sum score of Section 1 and Section 2 (and will likely require a minimum score of 4.0 in each section), plus meeting a minimum of 2.5B in Section 3.  Candidates with special considerations as assessed by Cambridge Assessment will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Students who are eligible for Access UCL, our contextual offer scheme, will be automatically flagged to us, and their BMAT scores will be reviewed separately. We have 24 places for Overseas applicants, and for these places Overseas applicants will be selected separately to our Home applicants.
  • Average scores for our applicants over the last 3 cycles are available on our website. Scores for each section do vary each year and we advise candidates to use the averages as an indicator only.

Re-applicants: If an applicant remains unplaced in the UCAS cycle, they are welcome to reapply. This includes those who have been unsuccessful following interview at UCL Medical School. Re-applicants must sit the BMAT again in the year that they apply.

Assessment at Interview

Selected candidates are invited to interview on a weekday morning or afternoon. If you are successful at interview then you will be invited to an offer holder event where talks and tours of the Medical School will take place.

Following the interview the scores of the interviewers will be reviewed by the Admissions Tutor. Interviewers score the candidate for the following qualities:

  • Academic curiosity and interest in healthcare
  • Motivation for and understanding of a career in medicine (including robustness for the course)
  • Problem solving and reasoning ability
  • Professional attitudes and values (factors such as flexibility, integrity, empathy, honesty, conscientiousness and compassion)
  • Team work, leadership, resilience and individual strengths
  • Communication skills (including verbal ability, listening skills, eye contact)