MSEC team in Kazakhstan
5 February 2015
In December, UCL Medical School Education Consultancy (MSEC) visited
As part of a project commissioned by the Kazakhstan Ministry
of Health and Social Development aimed at modernising medical education
and building capacity amongst medical educators, Dr Deborah Gill, Dr Ann Griffin and Dr Paul McGovern
delivered a three day intensive course looking at aspects of curriculum
design, credentialising medical careers and the development of
postgraduate medical education.
Given the enormous size of Kazakhstan, delegates for the course – leaders in medical education from around the country – also had significant journeys to make. The MSEC team delivered all teaching with the assistance of simultaneous Russian translation.
Despite the cold and the complexity of communicating through translators the MSEC team had a very warm welcome in the heart of Kazakhstan. From our feedback it seems participants also valued our input and will be able to build on the learning that happened during the intensive course back in their home universities.