Resources designed to help you share good practices in data management with colleagues and students.
If you know of any other useful materials or have developed your own, we would be interested to include them in this list. Please contact us.
About UCL Research Data Management support
Read and share information about our Research Data Management services (1 page).
Material for your research team and colleagues
- DataStories: blog posts with real-life stories about good and bad data management practices
- Research Data Management: online training developed by the University of Edinburgh
- Five steps to decide what data to keep: a 13-page guide & checklist developed by the Digital Curation Centre
Material for your students
- UCL Data Management Plan - Template for PG students: a 3-page Word document created by UCL Library Services
- DataStories: blog posts with real-life stories about good and bad data management practices
- Research Data Management: online training developed by the University of Edinburgh
- online tutorials: data handling in SPSS 19, R, ArcGIS 10.2, NVivo 9: online training developed by the University of Edinburgh
Material for librarians, IT managers & facilitators
- Do-It-Yourself Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians: an online kit developed by the University of Edinburgh
- Research Data Management training materials: slides and activity sheets developed by the Jisc-funded RDMRose project