
Library Services


Research Data Management

The Research Data Management team advises staff and students on managing research outputs both during a project and once it is complete. Come and talk to us about writing data management plans, complying with funder requirements, using the UCL Research Data Repository and so much more!
The Micrarium at the Grant Museum

Managing research outputs across the research lifecycle

Learn more about the four phases of the research lifecycle, data management planning and using tools like DMPOnline.

Post-it notes of different colours

UCL Research Data policy and funding agency expectations

In receipt of external funding? The Research Data policy outlines external funding agency requirements and UCL's expectations.

server computers in a room

Storing, securing and backing up research outputs

Choosing a storage platform can be tricky, find out more about which platforms are available and how to keep your research safe.

Image of three books

Archiving, preserving and curating research outputs

Is your research almost complete? Consider ways to preserve your outputs by creating a curated collection and then archiving them using a repository or archive.

Microphones of different colours

Discovering, accessing and sharing research outputs

Find out more about making your research discoverable to the wider academic and public community to facilitate access and sharing.

UCL front quad and Portico building in spring

Using the UCL Research Data Repository

UCL staff and research students can archive your research outputs using the institutional data repository, assigning them with a full data citation including a Digital Object Identifier.

Research Data news 

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