View all previous qUCL events here. Events are sorted in reverse chronological order.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | Pre 2014
- 27 November 2024: PGR GSS Research Seminar: Shared Reading Workshop I
- 23 October 2024: PGR GSS Research Seminar: Introductions and Inspiration
- 2 October 2024: qUCL and GFRN social
- 18 July 2024: Book Launch: Thom Gunn - A Cool Queer Life
- 14 May 2024: The libidinal lives of statues
- 24 April 2024: LGBTQ+ Rights in Poland: Quo Vadis?
- 18 April 2024: Beyond Radical: Queer Theory and Bad Objects
- 19 March 2024: IAS Book Launch: Lesbian Intimacies and Family Life
- 18 March 2024: The controversial politics of abolishing legal sex in Britain
- 15-16 March 2024: Queer Data Days - Wikidata Gender Diversity
- 27 February 2024: Not the first pregnant man: Uncovering histories of trans family
- 31 January 2024: IAS Book Launch: What Is Sexual Difference?
- 5 December 2023: Producing a straight nation: postcolonial nationalism and the governance of sexuality
- 29 November 2023: Queering Science: A view from the bench
- 21 November 2023: London (Brain) Fog: Long Covid and Unfeeling through Crip of Colour Critique
- 18 October 2023: Supporting LGBT+ and Queer Histories in Secondary Schools
- 5 October 2023: qUCL and GFRN social: For UCL staff and students working on gender and sexuality
- 18 July 2023: qUCL PGR Work-in-Progress Symposium
- 13 June 2023: Faulty boy: Sam Albatros' stand up + discussion with Patricia Barbeito
- 9 June 2023: Theory of the World as Womb: Eco/Biophysical Language of Stocks, Energy, Flow&Folds, Sources&Sinks
- 31 May 2023: Film screening: M(OTHER)HOOD
- 19 May 2023: Aesthetes Attack Angleterre: Trans Graphic Novels and Queer Writing
- 4 May 2023: Workshop 3: Queer Pedagogies
- 3 May 2023: Black Light: On the Origin and Materiality of Blackness
- 23 March 2023: Book talk: About Lessons in Love and Other Crimes
- 8 February 2023: Unmaking Sex: The Gender Outlaws of Nineteenth-Century France
- 26 January 2023: “It’s not a big deal” Reframing intimacy in mixed HIV-status relationships
- 15 November 2022: qUCL: Multiple Minority Identities & Mental Health
- 12 October 2022: qUCL 'The Memory Police and the Queer Feminist Writer: Theory, Pedagogy, and Becoming in Hong Kong'
- 11 October 2022: Gender and Sexuality in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (GenSex EECA) Reading Group
- 28 September 2022: qUCL and GFRN social: For UCL staff and students working on gender and sexuality
- 7–8 July 2022: Latin American Trans Histories | workshop and roundtables
- 15 –16 June 2022: HYBRID: Material Selves: Gender, Health and Performance
- 15 –16 June 2022: Gender and Sexual Dissent in Putin's Russia: Before and During the War in Ukraine
- 15 June 2022: qUCL IN-PERSON: Ecologies of Black Femme Sociality
- 8 June 2022: Inclusive Spaces: Queering Public Space
- 20 May 2022: Biographies, autobiographies, self-analyses: class, identity, trajectories
- 12 May 2022: Queer Data: Using Gender, Sex and Sexuality Data for Action
- 6 May 2022: IAS WORKSHOP - Moving the modes of encounter: Embodying (in)equalities in the university
- 30 March 2022: ONLINE DDHL reading group 'Digital Queer Witnessing: Archives, Immersion and 3D Technologies'
- 18 March 2022: qUCL ONLINE 'The Gender Critical Movement Is the Biggest Threat to Academic Freedom in a Generation'
- 16 March 2022: Queer Infrastructures: Inaugural Lecture - The Bartlett International Lectures
- 3 March 2022: ONLINE: Telling stories about LGBTIQ+ forced migration
- 24 February 2022: ONLINE: The Log Books - Discussion with the creators for LGBT+ History Month
- 24 February 2022: Great Expectations and Furnace Creek
- 21 February 2022: Gender and Sexuality in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (GenSex EECA) Reading Group
- 10 February 2022: Peripheral Desires of Ephemeral Cities: Imagining Queer Geographies in India
- 18 November 2021: "Making a Beginning Together": Queer Storying in the Spacetime (Dis)Continuum
- 1 September 2021: Queering STS conference
- 13 July 2021: Creaction 3: 'better to speak, remembering' (after Audre Lorde)
- 15 June 2021: Creaction 2: 'No, I won’t calm down'
- 18 May 2021: Creaction 1: 'fugitive texts of the wayward' / 'textos fugitivos de lxs descarriadxs'
- 13 May 2021: Beyond The History of Sexuality: Michel Foucault’s philosophy of sexuality
- 4 May 2021: Queer Without Borders 2.0
- 4 May 2021: Transgender Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
- 26 February 2021: Trans Histories, for LGBTQ History Month
- 22 February 2021: Why We Should Care About Queer Vikings, LGBT History month
- 9 February 2021: Queer Histories and Presents for LGBT History Month
- 7 December 2020: Sexo & Revolución. Radical Homosexual Movements of 1970s Latin America
- 26 November 2020: PPV: Ars Homo Erotica — Ten Years On
- 23 November 2020: Latin American Countries and Women’s Rights and Needs During the Pandemic
- 17 November 2020: IAS Book Launch - The Tenacity of the Couple-Norm
- 27 February 2020: Lunch Hour Lecture: Gaysocs: a brief and incomplete history
- Queer Space Research Forums
- Provost's Public Engagement Award for Queer Tour of Bloomsbury walking tours
- 9 December 2019: The Bookshop of Black Queer Diaspora
- 7 November 2019: 1989’S Loose Ends
- 21 October 2019: IAS Book Launch: Haunted Bauhaus
- 15 October 2019: ‘We never give up’
- 10 October 2019: Sylvia Townsend Warner and the Possibilities of Freedom
- 6 June 2019: Popular Feminisms: Tactics in Turbulent Times
- 5 June 2019: IAS Laughter: The Rimmers
- 3-7 June 2019: UCL Festival of Culture 2019 - queer and LGBT events
- 25 May 2019: Trans Studies, Trans Lives: Past, Present, and Future
- 13 May 2019: Queer Legalities: Identity and Change in Queer Spaces
- 8 May 2019: Queering Maps – Roundtable Discussion
- 19 March 2019: Queer Space Research Forum – ‘Queer Work’
- 15 March 2019: Queer Work/Queer Labour
- 14 March 2019: "The Ones Who Had Nothing to Lose”: Days and Nights in the Queer Work World
- 29 January 2019: qUCL Queer Research Space Forum – ‘Queer Femininities’
- 4 December 2018: Queer Space Research Forum Event – ‘Historical (In)visibilities
- 30 October 2018: Queer Space Research Forum Event – ‘Sexual Identity and Health’
- 20 October 2018: Hide & Seek: A Queer Tour of Bloomsbury
- 4-8 June 2018: UCL Festival of Culture 2018
- 24 May 2018: Section 28 and Its Legacies
- 16 May 2018: qUCL Annual Lecture 2018: Queer Use
- 27 April 2018: Art + Activism: Queer & Feminist Visibilities
- 9 February 2018: Hide & Seek: A Queer Tour of Bloomsbury
- 30 January 2018: Visibility and the Law
- 21 November 2017: Queer Space Research Forum: Fashion and Self-Fashioning
- 17 October 2017: Queer Space Research Forum: Queer/Feminist Intersections in Film
- 9 June 2017: 1967: A Sexual Revolution?
- 8 June 2017: Queering the Museum
- 23 May 2017: Queer Space Research Forum: Transnationalism and sexuality - borders, identities, democracy
- 8 May 2017: Black/Feminist/Queer: Intersections
- 2 May 2017: Queer Space Research Forum: LGBTQI work life/night life
- 15 March 2017: Queer Space Research Forum: Intersectionality and queer language
- 24 January 2017: Queer Space Research Forum: Queer film circa 1978
- 29 November 2016: Queer Space Research Forum: Gender diversity and the limits of equality through law
- 1 November 2016: Queer Space Research Forum: Discourses of AIDS
- 27 October 2016: Body Politics, Abortion and LGBT Rights in Poland
- 21 June 2016: Queer Without Borders
- 25 May 2016: Queer Wars: A Conversation
- 20 February 2016: Soho Spirit: Our Space or a Space in Our Minds?
- 25 November 2015: Global LGBT+ Issues and Universities as 'Global Citizens'?
- 27 October 2015: Edward Lear and the Queerness of Nonsense Poetry
- 25 February 2015: LGBTQ Histories at UCL
- 12 December 2014: Queer Zoo
- 11 November 2014: Sexual Health: Intersections in Politics and Society
- 6 November 2014: Coming Out Polish Style
Pre 2014
- 15 February 2013: When Should LGBT People be Offered Asylum in the UK?
- 10-11 November 2012: Sexuality at Home
- 6 February 2012: Beefcake: Gay Men and the Body Beautiful
- 11 February 2010: Backlash? The Resurgence of Homophobia in Contemporary London
- 11 February 2010: The Global Struggle for Queer Rights
- 3 February 2011: Homophobia: A Global Phenomenon, or, the Great Mistake