Collaborate with us to develop your students' academic language and literacies as a part of your module or programme.
Our provision is designed in collaboration with you to tailor it to the discipline, embed it in your programme and map it to the students' timeline of assignments and assessments.
Provision is available to all students in your cohort and can focus on, for example, developing genre awareness, understanding academic conventions within their discipline and linguistic expertise.
- How it works
We work with you to develop the provision.
We first discuss the language and literacy challenges for students on your programme, how a collaboration with us could best complement existing support, and create a possible outline of the collaboration.
To contextualise the provision, we ask for assignment guidelines, marking criteria, samples of student work, access to relevant Moodle pages, and a schedule of assignment and submission dates.
We discuss timetabling. The intervention can take place at any time of the academic year, depending on when is most relevant for your cohort. It can be scheduled within the students' existing timetable or scheduled separately.
We create and review materials for the collaboration.
The collaboration
We teach the intervention, which can be co-taught, taught by us or taught by you. See below for examples of content, format and case studies to inspire.
Following the collaboration, we review feedback together.
- Examples of content
These are examples of areas of academic language and literacies that we might focus on.
Many interventions will combine different elements of the below.
- Academic conventions: helping students understand what is expected in an assignment (e.g., structure, argumentation, criticality and referencing) and how we might evidence these in practice.
- Assessment literacies: helping students understand and respond to assignment guidelines, marking criteria and feedback.
- Academic skills: helping students develop effective skills in areas such as reading and note-taking.
- Academic language: helping students understand how to use language effectively to communicate their ideas and research.
- Academic integrity: helping students understand the principles of academic integrity and how to integrate source material appropriately.
- Examples of format
Provision can be online or on campus. These are examples of possible formats.
- Workshops focused on a specific assignment, assessment or skill.
- Tailored courses embedded across a year or years of a programme.
- Tailored asynchronous material followed by workshops or tutorials.
- Pedagogic support and mentoring for PGTAs leading sessions.
- Case studies
Here are some recent case studies:
- Collaborative literature review module redesign & PGTA support for Natural Sciences BSc students
- Oral exam preparation workshops for Bartlett School of Environment, Energy & Resources MSc students
- Research proposal workshops for Institute of Finance and Technology MSc students
- Tailored academic writing support for Population Health Sciences iBSc students
- Tailored research project writing support for Medical Sciences BSc and iBSc students.
- Contact us
Please contact us for an initial discussion at least a term ahead of when you would like the provision to begin.
Ayanna Prevatt-Goldstein Thomas