The Summer Intensive Modern Foreign Language Courses are offered at two levels: beginners and intermediate.
Please use the descriptions below to select the most appropriate level for you, as you will not be assessed.
- If you are a complete beginner or have had only very little contact with the language, please choose beginner level.
- If you have studied the language for e.g. one or two years (four hours per week or two hours per week respectively), please choose intermediate level.
- We do not offer any advanced levels.
Prerequisite for entry: For complete beginners or those who have had only very little contact with the language.
Aims and objectives: The aim of the course is to enable participants to function at a basic survival level covering professional/everyday areas/topics.
On completion of the course participants should be able to communicate in and understand the language on a number of professional and everyday matters. Language learning skills, including autonomous learning and how to approach authentic material, will be developed. Cultural awareness and some transferable skills will also be developed.
Prerequisite for entry: Successful completion of level 2 at the UCL CLIE or a similar recent course including experience of dealing with relevant authentic material.
Aims and objectives: The aim of the course is to enable students with a good basic knowledge of the language to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in professional situations.
On completion of the course participants will be able to converse reasonably fluently with native speakers and discuss personal, professional, social and current issues using appropriate structures. Cultural awareness will be further developed. Language learning skills, including autonomous learning and how to approach authentic material, will be enhanced. Some transferable skills will also be covered.