
Information Services Division


New website requests

This page provides guidance on how to request a new website and provides the different options available to UCL departments.

There are three options for new websites.

1. I need a web presence (my content is fully UCL owned)

Your web content should sit on an existing UCL-branded website on www.ucl.ac.uk built in the central Drupal content management platform (CMS). The content will be housed in the most appropriate area of the UCL website.

For academic content, this is likely to be:

  • A faculty site
  • A central research site
  • Or most appropriate academic section

Central UCL content for public audiences will sit in the global information architecture under the main sections of the central menu: Study, About, Research, Engage.

Please contact your faculty or central service Site Owner in the first instance. You can find these on the Digital Experience Sharepoint site along with more information about how we can support your web presence:

If you can demonstrate that your UCL-owned website or web application cannot be hosted in Drupal or on www.ucl.ac.uk then it may be a candidate for UCL's new Site Builder service. 

You have two options within in our new self-build services:

2. Site Builder (low-code, self-service)

This is a low code self-service solution and is coming later this year. Websites in this service will not be UCL-branded and cannot be on the www.ucl.ac.uk domain.

  • All new Site Builder websites would need approval of the VPEE brand team and will incur annual hosting and maintenance costs of approximately £1000 per annum as well as adherence to UCL’s information security, accessibility, copyright, etc.  
  • Discuss your request with your faculty or central service communications team. 
  • If your communication team approves the request, you should then contact the VPEE brand team to see whether your site meets the criteria.

Find out more about the rationalisation of UCL's legacy webhosting platform

3. Application builder (ISD managed)

If you have a web application that cannot be hosted in Drupal or the new site builder service for low code websites, then you may wish to opt for a lightweight container for webhosting.  This is managed by ISD and we are currently offering PHP-based web applications.
To use this service, we need an active owner, who agrees to the automatic updating of underpinning technologies, including but not limited to PHP and SQL versions, to maintain security compliance.  This service offering is hosted in the public cloud within UCL’s tenancy, and as such incurs a cost for what is used (average £300 per annum). If you need webspace to host a web application you can find our more on our service page:

Webhosting Container Service page