The Information Governance Service Portal is a sharing platform for researchers to create, store and self-certify evidence of their compliance with the Information Governance Framework.
How to access the SharePoint
When you register for Information Governance services, we assess the eligibility of the project and issue a reference with a link to the SharePoint Portal. Your Microsoft Office 365 login will be required (so, your User ID and your standard UCL password), the Portal URL.
Once you have logged in
You will see a description of the page at the top and a note which says that only information asset owners or administrators can make changes to the existing records. Below it you will see a list of the Cases you are associated with, according to our records, and a progress report against the requirements of the Information Governance Framework for those cases.
Along the left of the page are the self-service forms you will need to complete using your Information Governance CaseRef (you must be the registered information asset owner or administrator for that project). Initially required forms are:
- Stage 1 Information Asset Owner's Statement of Accountability (guide | form)
- Stage 2 Upload a contract and/or complete the 'Review of contracts' (guide | form)
- Stage 3 Upload the SLMS-IG11 Information Risk Tool (guide | form)
- Stage 4 Annual signoff by the Information Asset Owner (form to complete once the above items have all been completed)
Optional forms are available to perform tasks like assigning an information asset administrator, closing a project which no longer holds confidential information, or reassigning ownership from one Principal Investigator to another.
Along the left of the page, there are records of any information asset registers, risk assessments and contracts saved under your projects under 'Evidence Submitted'.
Training records are listed. However, in this web application, it is only possible for us to share the records of users that we know about, which will include Data Safe Haven users and those who are listed as information asset owners or administrators. If you have additional team members whose training records are required for your research group's compliance, let us know via the training email address.
Who can access my case records?
SharePoint works on standard permissions. When you create a case with SLMS Information Governance services we will set the permissions so that your Information Asset Owner and Information Asset Administrator can access the project records. If any additional users need access, let us know.
Only people with a UCL login can access the IG Advisory SharePoint because it requires a UCL Microsoft login.