Drupal CMS: Bulleted and numbered lists
Learn about bulleted and numbered lists in Drupal.
Before you start
When editing use Chrome, Firefox or Safari but NOT Internet Explorer
Search engines look for 'organisation' in web pages and specifically at things like title, headings and lists.
Where relevant, use a bulleted or numbered list.
Indented lists
If you want to use an indented list, start with the normal list, bulleted or numbered, and then press the Tab key.
This will automatically indent the bullet or number. Carry on until you want to return to the 'normal' list.
To 'outdent', just press the Enter key twice. The list will go back to its original state. See below for examples:
- one
- two
- three
- four
- five
- six
- one
- two
- three - NB we are currently working on re-styling the numbered lists
- four
- five
- six
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