PromethION 24 – Oxford Nanopore Technologies
PromethION is a scalable long-read sequencing platform from Oxford Nanopore Technologies with real-time base calling, which works through nanopore sequencing technology. Up to 24 flow cells can be run independently, and dependent on the sample and library types a single flow cell can generate up to 100Gb of data. Much like the Sequel IIe, this technology is being used worldwide for a variety of projects including direct DNA and RNA sequencing from a variety of sample types and fields. For more information on the PromethION, please take a look at the Oxford Nanopore website:
MinION – Oxford Nanopore Technologies
MinION is a smaller-scale but powerful platform also from Oxford Nanopore, offering up to 50Gb of data from a single flow cell dependent on library and sample type. Library read lengths can be designed to be short to ultra long, and so MinION provides flexibility for smaller-scale projects. Please take a look at the Oxford Nanopore Technologies website for more information on the MinION: