# Please contact QSCTC to get an understanding of process.
# Consider Space early.
# Costing should be complete.
- don't forget to cost for space
- cost for travel reimbursement.
# Approvals/agreements for different components such MRI, pathology, different lab components can take time and chasing.
# Do not start the study until capacity and capability green light is received.
# pre-award - worktribe tips (UCL):
- start working on application no less that 4-6 weeks prior to due date
- support for costs need to uploaded
- application needs to be uploaded
- need to subit full completed worktribe to pre-award atleast 5 days prior to grand deadline for their checks
- link for further information on costing via worktribe: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/clinical-trials-and-methodology/intranet/finance/research-costing
standard process:
- How to make a worktribe project: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/research-innovation-services/training-and-resources/worktribe-support/how-guides