
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Roland Philipp 

Currently at the National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan

I started my scientific career at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, where I received my MSc and PhD degree in Klaus-Peter Hoffmann's Lab. In short I can summarise the results of my PhD thesis as follows: We investigated if and how the Superior Colliculus (SC) is involved in the generation and control of visually guided arm movements. Using three different approaches we could show that I) electrical microstimulation elicits arm movements in a naïve monkey (Macaca mulatta), II) electrical microstimulation influences an ongoing movement plan, and III) that sudden target perturbations are reflected in the discharge of collicular reach neurons
(PhD full text).

During my Master's thesis we recorded from the extra striate visual cortex from anaesthetised pigmented and albino ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and were able to localise a circumscribed cortical area (PSS) which contains direction selective neurons and shares specific characteristics with the primate medial superior temporal area (MST) Oxford open free text.

Academic Qualifications & Research Experience

since 2011:
Research Fellow at the Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, ION, UCL.

PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Neuroscience (magna cum laude), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
Thesis: "Control of eye-hand coordination in the Superior Colliculus of the macaque monkey". (full text).

2004 - 2010:
PhD student at the Department of General Zoology & Neurobiology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.

Diploma in Biology. (General Zoology & Neurobiology), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Thesis: "A motion-sensitive area in ferret extrastriate visual cortex: an analysis in pigmented and albino animals". Oxford open free text.

1998 - 2004:
Study of Biology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.

Publications (Google Scholar Citations)

Peer reviewed articles

Philipp, R. and Hoffmann, KP. (2014). Arm Movements Induced by Electrical Microstimulation in the Superior Colliculus of the Macaque Monkey ( Macaca mulatta ). J. Neurosci. 34(9): 3350-3363 doi.

Kraskov, A., Philipp, R., Waldert, S., Vigneswaran , G., Quallo, M.M. and Lemon, R.N. (2014) Corticospinal Mirror Neurons, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 369(1644). doiPubmed,

Vigneshwaran, G., Philipp, R., Lemon, R. N., and Kraskov, A. (2013) M1 corticospinal mirror neurons and their role in movement suppression during action observation, Current Biology. Pubmed, doi, free text.

Reyes-Puerta, V., Philipp, R., Lindner, W., Hoffmann, KP. (2011). Neuronal activity in the superior colliculus related to saccade initiation during coordinated gaze–reach movements. Eur J Neurosci. 34(12):1966-1982. Pubmed, doi.

Reyes-Puerta, V., Philipp, R., Lindner, W., Hoffmann, KP. (2010). The Role of the Rostral Superior Colliculus in Gaze Anchoring during Reach Movements. J Neurophysiol. 103: 3153-3166. Pubmed, APS free text.

Reyes-Puerta, V., Philipp, R., Lindner, W., Lünenburger, L., Hoffmann KP. (2009). Influence of task predictability on the activity of neurons in the rostral superior colliculus during double-step saccades. J Neurophysiol. 101(6):3199-211. Pubmed, APS free text.

Philipp, R., Distler, C., Hoffmann, KP. (2006). A motion-sensitive area in ferret extrastriate visual cortex: an analysis in pigmented and albino animals. Cereb Cortex. 101(6):3199-211. Pubmed, Oxford open free text.



Kraskov A., Philipp R., Waldert S., Vigneswaran G., Quallo M.M., Lemon R.N. (2014) Corticospinal mirror neurons and their role in movement suppression during action observation. FENS, Abstr.Nr. R10189

Waldert S., Philipp R., Vigneswaran G., Kilner, J., Lemon R.N., Kraskov A. (2014) Modulation of Macaque Intra-Cortical LFP During Action Execution and Observation, FENS, Abstr.Nr. FENS-2428


Philipp R., Vigneswaran G., Waldert S., Lemon RN., Kraskov A. The influence of gaze on the activity of macaque M1 and F5 mirror neurons. Program No. 272.09. 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online. (SfN Abstr.).

Waldert S, Philipp R, Vigneswaran G, Kilner JM, Lemon RN, Kraskov A. Modulation of the intra-cortical LFP during action execution and observation. Program No. 272.04. 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online. (SfN Abstr.).

Philipp R., Vigneswaran G., Lemon RN., Kraskov A. Macaque gaze behaviour during a grasping task: Action execution vs. action observation. Program No. 187.13. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online. (SfN Abstr.).

Vigneswaran G., Philipp R., Waldert S., Lemon RN., Kraskov A. Do mirror neurons exist in macaque primary motor cortex? Program No. 187.04. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online. (SfN Abstr.).

Lemon RN., Vigneswaran G., Waldert S., Philipp R., Kraskov A. Extracellular spike duration in macaque M1 and PMd pyramidal neurons is correlated with axonal conduction velocity. Program No. 187.02. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online. SfN Abstr.

Reyes-Puerta, V., Philipp, R., Lindner, W., Hoffmann, KP. (2010). Neuronal activity in the superior colliculus related to saccade initiation during coordinated gaze-reach movements. FENS Abstr. vol 5, 051.19, 2010 (FENS Abstr).

Heba, S., Philipp, R., Hoffmann, KP. (2010). Contribution of a subcortical brain structure to error correction in the skeletomotor system. FENS Abstr. vol 5, 171.5, 2010 (FENS Abstr).

Philipp R., Hoffmann, KP. (2007). Is the macaque superior colliculus involved in the on-line control of goal-directed arm movements to visual targets? Program No. 719.6, 2007 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2007. Online.
(SfN Abstr.).

Reyes-Puerta, V., Philipp, R., Hoffmann, KP. (2007). Influence of predictability in collicular fixation neurons responses during double-step saccades. Program No. 719.7, 2007 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2007. Online.
(SfN Abstr.).

Philipp, R., Lindner, W., Hoffmann, KP. (2006). How is the macaque Superior Colliculus involved in the execution of goal-directed hand-movements? Effects of electrical microstimulations in the intermediate and deep SC-layers. FENS. Abstr. vol 3, A145.16, 2006 (FENS Abstr).

Philipp R., Distler, C., Hoffmann, KP. Characterization of motion specific areas in ferret visual cortex. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2004. Online. (SfN Abstr.).

Invited talks

2014: Subcortical and Cortical Control of Skilled Hand Function. 

生理学研究所・部門公開セミナー Division of System Neurophysiology

Wednesday June 25, 2014 - NIPS


2014: FENS-JNS Young Researchers Exchange Support Program. 

2013: Guarantors of Brain (UK), travel award to attend the 43nd meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

2012: Guarantors of Brain (UK), travel award to attend the 42nd meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

2007: GalxoSmithKline travel award to attend the 37th meeting of the Society for Neuroscience.

2007: Ruth und Gerd Massenberg Stiftung travel award to attend the 42nd NCM meeting in Sevilla.

2006: GNS (German Neuroscience Society) Travel Grant for the FENS meeting, Vienna (Austria). (link)

Professional Affiliations

British Neuroscience Association (BNA).
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS).
German Neuroscience Society (GNS).
Society for Neuroscience (SfN).

External Links

Google Scholar Citations