Professor Olga Ciccarelli is appointed as the Head of Department of Neuro-inflammation
25 October 2019
We are pleased to announce that Professor Olga Ciccarelli has been appointed as the new Head of the Department of Neuro-inflammation. She will take up the position from the 1st November 2019.
Olga will continue to lead the successful programmes in MS research. In addition she will work with colleagues across IoN and UCL to develop a new strategic plan to enable the development of new neuro-immunology science programmes that will cut across neurological diseases.
Olga Ciccarelli is a NIHR Research Professor of Neurology. She studied Medicine at the University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy, completing her specialist training in Neurology in 1999. She then came to London with the Jacqueline Du Pre award from the MSIF. After her PhD in Neurological Science at the UCL, she was awarded a Wellcome Trust Advanced Clinical Fellowship in 2005. She was appointed Professor of Neurology at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology in 2014. Her research goal is to predict individual treatment response in MS using machine learning. She has secured research funding from research councils and charities, and has authored more than 200 papers. She is an Associate Editor of Neurology, leading on the Neuroimmunology portfolio.
" I am delighted Olga has been appointed as the new Head of Department of Neuroinflammation. In addition to supporting the continued successful ms research programmes at QSIoN she will lead on developing a new academic strategy for neuroimmunology linked to neurological diseases.
This new strategy will be developed with a range of UCL stakeholders and will draw on major research strengths across UCL to develop a programme that cuts across many neurological diseases affecting the central and peripheral nervous system. This strategy will capitalise on major opportunities for preclinical science and its translation including the development of new immunology diagnostic tests.
I sincerely congratulate Olga on her appointment and look forward to working with her” Professor Michael Hanna, Director of UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology