
UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Synaptopathies seminar series

12 January 2017, 5:30 pm–6:30 pm

Event Information


Gilliatt Lecture Theatre, UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG

Date: Thursday January 12th, 2017, 5:30pm
Speaker: Angus Silver http://silverlab.org/

This series is organized by the post-docs, clinical fellows and technical staff working on the Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in Synaptopathies . One Thursday evening a month, we will host speakers whose work relates to diseases of the synapse. The talks aim to cover a wide range of disciplines and techniques, from clinical genetics to electrophysiology, from biophysics to drosophila behavior. Afterwards, drinks and nibbles will be provided to facilitate discussion and interdisciplinary connections.

Further information: Christine.dixon@ucl.ac.uk