A realistic simulation platform (SPEEDOP) will allow concepts for new technological solutions to be tested virtually before moving on to physical prototyping.

Learning from the rapid product design cycle in modern consumer electronics a new paradigm is needed for the development of novel technologies in surgical and medical practice. This simulation platform for development of novel surgical tools and techniques and for the optimisation of personalised clinical procedures will bridge the gap between theory/concept and practice for development of new tools and techniques across wide variety of clinical domains.
A realistic simulation platform would allow much simpler testing of assistive and intelligent technologies, rapid evolution of techniques, user-design/experience etc. It will facilitate the co-development of new surgical techniques and the tailoring of difficult patient-specific interventions, where the real tool is developed hand-in-hand with a virtual version to inform/guide development by practicing and understanding the use of future tools/techniques in surgery that cannot yet be made or impractical to make.
The Simulation Platform for the dEvElopment of new surgical Devices and Optimisation of Personalised Clinical Procedures (SPEEDOP) could be used to leapfrog the challenges in AR, particularly those around co-registration, and perfect the interfaces surgeons will need when AR is ready for use in surgery.