BioMedEng 22 Conference
13 September 2022
In September at UCL, 400 guests attended BioMedEng22 – the UK’s largest annual conference in biomedical engineering. Hosted under the umbrella of the UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering, the conference was a celebration of interdisciplinary collaboration and the latest advancements in the field.
The plenary speakers from home and abroad were:
- Prof Eric Aboagye, Professor of Cancer Pharmacology and Molecular Imaging at Imperial College, and Director of the CRUK-EPSRC-MRC-NIHR Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre
- Prof Treena Arinzeh, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Prof Tim Chico, Associate Director, British Heart Foundation Data Science Centre
- Dr Michelle J. Johnson, Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania
For many of the PhD students in attendance, the event was especially poignant as it provided their first opportunity to present their work in person.
Thank you to everyone who attended the conference and made it such a memorable occasion – in particular, the BioMedEng22 organising committee, which featured a heavy WEISS presence:
- Prof Vanessa Diaz
- Prof Rui Loureiro
- Dr Antonio Lombardo
- Federica Ninno
- Dr Sarah Keating
- Louis Girardin
- Dr Rupy Kaur Matharu
- Dr Hirak Patel
- Dr Pawel Markiewicz
- Dr Daniel Stuckey
- Ebba Montgomery Liljeroth
Next year’s event will be hosted in September at Swansea University, Wales. Keep an eye on the BioMedEng Association’s website for further details.