NHS fast tracks Odin Vision’s artificial intelligence technology to fight bowel cancer
9 September 2020
Odin Vision, a WEISS spinout company, has been awarded an AI in Health and Care Award to fast track their CADDIE system into hospitals across the UK.

Odin Vision’s ground-breaking CADDIE artificial intelligence technology will be installed into selected hospitals across the UK to evaluate its impact on patient outcomes and the cost benefits to the NHS, thanks to a new grant award announced on 8 September.
The system uses real time machine learning algorithms to analyse colonoscopy images and support doctors to identify and characterize polyps during colonoscopy procedures. The system is cloud deployed and has the capability to scale across the whole of the NHS.
Bowel cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the UK and the number of deaths is predicted to increase by 50% in the next 15 years. Detecting it using traditional colonoscopy methods can be challenging for doctors and up to 25% of polyps are missed. To evaluate the potential of the CADDIE artificial intelligence system, Bowel & Cancer Research and Aquarius Population Health will gather patient feedback and healthcare economic evidence to support wider adoption across the NHS.
The AI in Health and Care Award forms part of the NHS AI Lab and is managed by the Accelerated Access Collaborative in partnership with NHSX and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Peter Mountney, Odin Vision CEO said:
Support from the NHS, NIHR and NHSX helps us to build robust clinical evidence and accelerate the adoption of our AI technology in more hospitals.“