
Information Studies


Research and Consultancy

UCL's reputation as a world-leading research institution means that our Centre for Publishing is situated in a privileged context for carrying out research and consultancy activities. The Centre pulls together publishing-related practice and research from across the University, linking with Enterprise and Innovation clusters to provide a powerful set of resources and expertise. This can be accessed by publishing and book trade companies and individuals via a variety of flexible routes: just contact us for more details, or for a discussion on how we could help.

Word Cloud

Housed within the Dept of Information Studies, the Centre works closely with the Centre for Digital Humanities, and colleagues from ICARUS. Beyond these, the Centre collaborates with and highlights work done by other units at UCL. See, for instance, the Scandinavian Studies Dept who run such initiatives as the Norvik Press and the Swedish Book Review; the Dept of English has a research cluster around Editions, and in 2012 the Centre for Editing Lives and Letters made its new home at UCL.

In addition the Centre has close working links with the Institute of English Studies and its book historians, as well as UCL's Corporate Partnerships division. Our networks through all these partners create an internationally dynamic environment in which to explore publishing-related challenges. Engage with us, and be part of something extraordinary…