Student, PhD
E: hubert.dzieciol.18@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44(0)207 679 2000 (int N/A)
Polina Bayvel
Research group
Optical Networks Group
Digital signal processing | Optical fibre links | Advanced modulation formats
Born in Wroclaw, Poland in 1994. He graduated from Northumbria University in June 2018 with a bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. His work focuses on investigating whether ultra-fast optical switching in combination with coherent detection, simplified digital signal processing, and design will be an enabling technology for the continued scaling of inter-data center network bandwidth. Hubert’s PhD is part of the TRANSNET program in collaboration with Microsoft Research in Cambridge.
- Publications
RPS Widget Placeholderhttp://research-reports.ucl.ac.uk/RPSDATA.SVC/pubs/HADZI18