
Institute of Communications and Connected Systems


Dr Amin Amiri

Dr Amin Amiri's Profile Picture

Research Fellow in RF and Microwave Engineering

E: amin.amiri@ucl.ac.uk
T: +44 (0) 207 679 2000 (int.)

Research group
Sensors Systems and Circuits 

RF and Microwave Circuits and Systems  | Antenna Design and Fabrication  | Radars | RF PCBs  | 3D EM Modelling


Amin Amiri received his MEng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Communications Engineering from University College London in 2006. 
Following this, he was awarded EPSRC doctoral program in association with Security and Crime Science department. His research during Ph.D. involved antenna and radar techniques for the detection of Landmines buried underground.

He continued at UCL as a postdoctoral research associate focusing on RF and Microwave systems for geophysical radar applications. Whilst working as a postdoctoral research associate, he has undertaken various consultancy-based projects within industry, bridging the gap between academia and industry. 

His research interest are in geophysical radars, Ice or Ground Penetrating radars, Geohazards radars, RF transponders, Antennas, and microwave imaging.


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