More than 2.2 million people in the UK are currently participants in population-based cohort studies[1] and 14 of these cohorts are hosted by or have links to UCL's Faculty of Population Health Sciences and the IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society. This includes the oldest and the newest British birth cohort studies, and the largest tri-ethnic cohort in the UK.
UCL also curates or otherwise takes a leadership role over 25 intensively characterised clinical or electronic health record cohorts (with over 1000 patients/participants), focused on infectious diseases (particularly HIV and TB), obesity, cardiovascular disease, ovarian cancer, and the health of premature infants. These cohort studies benefit from our expertise in basic bioscience, clinical science, and epidemiology - all the way through to applied public health and policy-related research.
In addition to the list of UCL's cohorts below, UCL hosts CLOSER (Cohort & Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources), which aims to maximise the use, value and impact of nine of the UK's leading cohort studies, both at home and abroad. The MRC has a searchable tool for UK Population Cohorts, the Institute for Fiscal Studies hosts an ESRC-MRC-Wellcome Low and Middle Income Longitudinal Population Study Directory and the Forum for Collaborative HIV Research has developed a list of useful cohorts for research in HIV.
[1] MRC, 2014. Maximising the value of UK population cohorts: MRC Strategic Review of the Largest UK Population Cohort Studies. Available online.
This is not an exhaustive list so please contact Sarah Welsher if you lead a cohort at UCL that you think should be included.