Professor Hemingway's research focuses on cardiovascular disease in populations. The work of his group aims to investigate the aetiology and prognosis of specific coronary phenotypes – rather than the aggregate of ‘CHD’ which may conceal important associations. There are three broad approaches to this work: establishing novel clinical cohorts, exploitation of linked electronic health records and methods development in prognosis research.
Our research is funded by the Wellcome Trust, Medical Research Council, National Institute of Health Research and the European Commission Framework Programme 7.
Key research activities
- Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research
The Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research is comprised of four nodes distributed across the UK and led from UCL, University of Manchester, Swansea University, and the University of Dundee. With a £17.5m-research award from a 10-funder consortium, plus additional £20m-capital funds from the Medical Research Council, the Farr Institute aims to deliver high-quality, cutting-edge research linking electronic health data with other forms of research and routinely collected data, as well as build capacity in health informatics research. The Farr Institute aims to provide the physical and electronic infrastructure to facilitate collaboration across the four nodes, support their safe use of patient and research data for medical research, and enable partnerships by providing a physical structure to co-locate NHS organizations, industry, and other UK academic centres.
- Clinical Cohorts in Coronary Disease Collaboration (4C)
We are establishing a multi-centre cohort phenotyping and genotyping people with suspected and confirmed stable coronary disease, with follow up for coronary endpoints. This will allow a range of translational research questions to be addressed under different study designs appropriate to studying causes of disease onset (case-control), disease progression (cohort) and pharmacogenetic effects.
- Cardiovascular Disease Research Using Linked Bespoke Studies and Electronic Records (CALIBER)
CALIBER has linked differentiated acute coronary syndrome endpoints from MINAP (Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project) to the primary care record in GPRD (General Practice Research Database). This allows longitudinal investigation of risk and care, before, during and after and event. Linkages of MINAP to large investigator led cohorts, such as the UK Biobank, is planned.
- Prognosis Research Strategy Initiative (PROGRESS)
The MRC funded PROGRESS Partnership is an international, interdisciplinary collaboration developing understanding in research into prognostic factors, risk prediction models and predictors of differential treatment response (stratified medicine).