Steve Harris is a Critical Care physician. His clinical training included anaesthesia and tropical medicine, and he worked for Medecins Sans Frontieres in Congo-Brazzaville, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Haiti. In 2009, he won a Wellcome Clinical Research Training Fellowship. This funded the largest prospective cohort study of deteriorating ward patients in the NHS jointly run from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), and Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC).This research showed that decision making around the time of referral to critical care is variable, and constrained by bed availability. Steve was awarded his PhD from LSHTM in 2014, and became a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Lecturer at University College London (UCL) before being appointed as a Consultant in Critical Care at University College Hospital London (UCLH) in 2016. He now leads the software development for the NIHR Health Informatics Collaborative Critical Care theme, in which the first multi-centre research database for critical care has been developed (around 40 000 patients and 50 million unique data points per year). In 2016, Steve became an Improvement Science Fellow for the Health Foundation, and began building EMAP: a live data analytics platform for UCLH.