
UCL Institute of Health Informatics


Feasibility study of MiADE

This study aims to find out how well the MiADE system works in a clinical setting and how it affects the way doctors use computers during patient consultations


Are you interested in testing out MiADE?

You can participate in the trial if you work at UCLH doing outpatient clinics, or if you are part of a team looking after inpatients. For the inpatient study we would ideally like entire teams to take part, so that we can assess the effect on the completeness of structured data. 

If you have an NHS login, you can also watch our videos (Inpatient guide, Outpatient guide) to find out more.

If you are a UCLH clinician interested in trying out MiADE, please sign up here

Methods and Participants

The study is a before-and-after comparison of the recording of structured information in electronic health records with and without the MiADE system. Clinicians participating in the study will be trained in the use of the new system and asked to fill in questionnaire surveys. The researchers will compare the average number of structured entries recorded per patient before and after switching on the MiADE system. They will observe a sample of outpatient consultations and interview a sample of patients to find out how the system affects their experience of the consultation. The researchers will also interview a sample of clinicians working in the inpatient and outpatient settings. By testing the usability of the system, participants will provide insights and feedback on how the quality of data within the system can be improved. This will support safer patient care and better research.

You can access study information materials here:

The study has had ethical approval from the Health Research Authority (ID no.32287) and has been registered at the ISRCTN registry (https://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN58300671).