
UCL Institute of Health Informatics


Innovation in care with health data – a one day Hackathon

CRIU is delighted to offer this one day hackathon that will give learners a chance to explore the practical challenges of handling health information to improve care. Learners will choose form a list of key data driven challenges for care or propose their own and will work with fabricated health data to meet their chosen challenge.

Throughout the day, learners will learn about the key areas that need to be addressed to produce results for advancing care. They will start with exploring their proposals in terms of ethical needs and information governance and security concerns using a data protection by design and default approach and a Data protection impact assessment as used by UCLH. This will guide the application for accessing the data in the first place.(1.5 hour introduction and practical exercise).

The Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Clinical Research Informatics Unit (CRIU) at UCL/UCLH has been established to provide a robust approach to the analysis of clinical data to support operations, clinical decision support and research at one of the world’s leading teaching hospitals.  As such BRC CRIU is undergoing an exciting period of expansion and development. The facility is a partnership between University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) and University College London (UCL) with research consent models, build research capacity into Electronic Health Records with integrated omics, wearables, natural language processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence; continuously improving safety and quality of care for our patients as well as supporting world-class research.  

Course Team

Luis Romao (lead tutor)

Luis Romao
Honorary Research Associate at the  Institute of Health Informatics.
Folkert Asselbergs

Folkert Asselbergs
Prof Folkert W. Asselbergs is professor of precision medicine in cardiovascular disease at Institute of Cardiovascular Science, UCL, Director NIHR BRC Clinical Research Informatics Unit at UCLH, professor of cardiovascular genetics and consultant cardiologist at the department of Cardiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, and chief scientific officer of the Durrer Center for Cardiovascular Research, Netherlands Heart Institute. Prof Asselbergs published more than 275 scientific papers and obtained funding from leDucq foundation, British and Dutch Heart Foundation, EU (FP7, ERA-CVD, IMI, BBMRI), and RO1 National Institutes of Health.