Information regarding the UCL Research Degrees Committee's formal powers and responsibilities.
Subject to any general or particular direction that may from time to time be given by the Academic Committee, the Research Degrees Committee is charged by Council:
- To define, monitor and review UCL strategy, policy and procedure in respect of UCL postgraduate-research students, relating to: (i) student registration; (ii) student attendance and completion of courses and examinations, including suspension of regulations; (iii) the operation of UCL's student grievance procedures for research degree students; (iv) examination misconduct by research students; and (v) all aspects of the research student experience.
- To approve UCL regulations relating to research degrees and amendments thereto.
- On behalf of Academic Committee, to define, monitor and review UCL strategy, policy and procedure in respect of all matters relating to the supervision and assessment of research degree students, including: (i) comparability of the research student experience across UCL; (ii) approval and appointment of research student supervisors; (iii) provision and comparability of research student supervision, support and training across UCL; (iv) monitoring the progress of research students; (v) development and implementation of processes for the assessment of research students; (vi) appointment of examiners; and (vii) procedures for the distribution of, and action on, examiners reports on research degree students.
- To approve new research programmes and their subsequent amendment and withdrawal.
- To receive and consider from examiners proposals for the award of research degrees of UCL and of the University of London.
- To submit for approval by the Academic Committee recommendations for the award and revocation of research degrees of UCL and of the University of London.
- To receive an annual report on the proceedings of meetings of Faculty committees that are responsible for overseeing PGR student provision, during the preceding 12 months.
- To refer to the Academic Committee such matters as the Research Degrees Committee deems entail academic standards, quality assurance or student experience implications which require the attention of Academic Committee.
- To report to the Academic Committee by (i) the submission of an annual report on the work of the Research Degrees Committee in the preceding 12 months, and (ii) the submission to the Academic Committee officers of the Minutes of each meeting of the Research Degrees Committee.