Find out more about UCL's Honorary Degrees and Fellowships Committee, including terms of reference, membership, meetings and minutes.
On this page you will find:
Terms of Reference
Subject to any general or particular direction that may from time to time be given by Council, the Honorary Degrees and Fellowships Committee is charged by Council:
- In accordance with UCL Regulation for Management 9, to consider nominations for UCL Honorary Degrees, UCL Honorary Medals and UCL Council Recognition of Outstanding Contribution awards and to submit to Council for approval recommendations for the conferment of these awards.
- In accordance with UCL Statute 14 and UCL Regulation for Management 9, to consider nominations of Honorary Fellows of UCL, and to submit to Council for approval recommendations of names for election to the UCL Honorary Fellowship.
- To determine, keep under review and advise Council as necessary on UCL’s procedures for i) the conferment of Honorary Degrees and ii) election of Honorary Fellows of UCL and iii) the award of UCL Honorary Medals.
- To report to Council by submission to the Council officers of i) an annual report on the Committee's recommendations for conferment by UCL of Honorary Degrees, election to the UCL Honorary Fellowship, award of UCL Honorary Medals and UCL Council Recognition of Outstanding Contribution awards, and ii) the Minutes of each meeting of the Honorary Degrees and Fellowships Committee.
- The quorum of the Honorary Degrees & Fellowships Commmittee shall be half of the total members of the Committee.
- The number in ( ) indicates length of continuous service in years, up to and including the 2023-24 session. Length of service is not indicated for ex officio, student members, or observers.
Ex Officio
Chair of Council (Chair)
Victor Chu
President and Provost
Dr Michael Spence
Vice-President (Advancement)
Angharad Milenkovic
Vice-President (External Engagement)
Kirsty Walker
Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement)
Professor Geraint Rees
Pro-Provost (Bicentennial)
Professor Dame Hazel Genn
Students' Union UCL President
Goksu Danaci
Deans of Faculties
Arts and Humanities
Professor Stella Bruzzi
Brain Sciences
Professor Alan Thompson
Built Environment
Professor Jacqui Glass
UCL Institute of Education
Professor Li Wei
Engineering Sciences
Professor Andrew Nisbet (interim)
Professor Eloise Scotford
Life Sciences
Professor Gail Taylor
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Professor Ivan Parkin
Medical Sciences
Professor Mark Emberton
Population Health Sciences
Professor Ibrahim Abubakar
Social and Historical Sciences
Professor Nick Witham (interim)
One additional external Member of Council, appointed by the Council
- Vacancy
- Natalie Connor
Meeting dates 2024-25
The copy deadlines quoted are the latest dates by which the final papers must be received by the secretary.
- Thursday 21 November 2024, 11.30am (copy deadline 7 November)