Information regarding the UCL Estates Committee's formal powers and responsibilities.
Subject to any general or particular direction that may from time to time be given by Council or Finance Committee, the Estates Committee is charged by Council via powers delegated by Finance Committee:
- To have oversight of the UCL Estates Strategy and to review and recommend any changes or new strategy to the Finance Committee.
- To review and recommend to the Finance Committee approval of a capital programme which provides the context for the consideration of capital project proposals, having due regard for sustainability, quality and value for money.
- To consider and, if thought appropriate, recommend to Finance Committee for approval the financial implications of individual capital projects, relating to expenditure exceeding £10 million including the detailed evaluation of business cases, and proposals exceeding £5m for acquisition or disposal of freehold or leasehold sites or buildings, and make recommendations to the Finance Committee for expenditure on capital projects exceeding £25m.
- To consider reports from the Executive Director of Estates Development on the financial position of current capital projects, and to report thereon to the Finance Committee.
- To consider reports from the Executive Director of Estates Development on the fabric of the UCL estate, and the repairs and maintenance programme, and to report thereon to the Finance Committee.
- To inform the UCL Sustainability Policy, and to undertake its activities in a manner which accords with this policy.
- To receive an annual report from the Executive Director of Estates Development and the Director of Sustainability on the implementation of the UCL Sustainability Policy across the estate and carbon reduction targets.
- To receive reports from the UMC Estates Management Committee by receipt of the minutes of each meeting of the Estates Management Committee and with oral updates as necessary.
- To be accountable to Finance Committee by submission to the Finance Committee officers of the minutes of each meeting of the Estates Committee and with oral updates as necessary, and to provide an annual report to Finance Committee on the Estates Committee’s activities.
- To submit the annual report to Council and the Academic Board each year and provide an opportunity for discussion with Committee members of any matters arising.