Rethinking Global & Local Policy Rationales in Pursuit of Good Health and Well-Being for All by 2030
3 December 2018
The UCL Global Governance Institute, in collaboration with the UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), is hosting a workshop on ‘Rethinking Global and Local Health Policy Rationales’ on 22 January 2019.

The workshop aims to revisit policy rationales and models in light of sustainable development goal (SDG) 3, which seeks to ‘ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’, focusing in particular on how policy at different levels (from the global to the local) can best be aligned to deal with persistent and emerging health issues. It will also advance discussion on the concept of local health, as a complementary lens to global health literatures and a new and important opportunity for inclusive and sustainable contributions by low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) to the health security of their populations and globally.
The workshop is organised around two sequential panels:
- Panel 1: What are the key policy rationales and models that have shaped, currently shape or will shape health policy at global, national and local levels? What justifies them and what adjustments would make them better?
- Panel 2: How can local policy makers best assume greater responsibility for innovation, risk and uncertainty relating to health security locally and globally?
Participation in the workshop: If you are a researcher or practitioner with an interest in the above topics, please get in touch with the workshop convenor, Dr Julius Mugwagwa, for further details. Julius is a Lecturer in Innovation and Development at UCL STEaPP and Thematic Director of the GGI’s research thematic on Global Health. He can be reached at
The workshop will take place at UCL from 1-6pm.