Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships: Call for Expressions of Interest
11 May 2015
The GGI invites applications from postdoctoral researchers to be hosted at the GGI under the European Commission's MSCA Individual Fellowships scheme.

Interested candidates can apply jointly with a supervisor from the GGI and the UCL Department of Political Science.
MSCA Individual Fellowships support career development activities, mobility, and training within and beyond Europe for up to three years. The scheme guidance states: 'the goal of Individual Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility'.
The deadline for final submission to the European Commission is 10 September 2015. Expressions of interest should be submitted to GGI by 15 June 2015.
All expressions of interest must meet the eligibility criteria of the scheme which can found here. Note that applicants must not have resided or carried out their work and studies in the UK for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to the deadline for submission of proposals to the EC.
Research areas
The GGI undertakes in-depth, cross-sectoral study of pressing problems in global governance, in order to explore the nature of the problem, the processes, structures and institutions involved, and to identify solutions. Central to its core mission, the Institute undertakes cross-disciplinary study of crucial governance 'deficits'. The IGG builds upon UCL's track record as a recognised global leader in cross-disciplinary scholarship and research, bringing the distinctive strengths of UCL to bear on such an enterprise: namely, our ability to integrate disciplines from across the social sciences, laws and other material perspectives. Please visit the GGI website for more information.
Potential supervisors may be identified among faculty at the School of Public Policy, who have wide-ranging expertise across governance areas. The GGI is also able to advise on identifying potential supervisors across its network of cross-disciplinary faculty, including geography, health, climate, engineering, and laws, among others.
- GGI is committed to making a significant contribution to the advancement of what remains an emergent field of scholarship and particularly welcomes expressions of interest in the following research themes:
- Global governance: enhancing analytical specification of a pluralising and increasingly complex global governance landscape, with particular attention to theorising the effects of global governance arrangements
- International organisations: systematic research on the inner workings of international organisations, regime complexes, and other state and non-state governance structures with a view to advancing explanation on the creation, maintenance and management of multi-level governance systems
- Integrative cross-thematic application: research which seeks to generate productive comparative insight across substantive governance domains, with particular priority given to GGI thematic tracks: global justice, global economy, global institutional change and democracy, global security and global environmental sustainability.
We are particularly interested in scholarship which advances theorising towards explaining global governance outcomes across policy issue-area domains, with particular emphasis placed on agency and authority, a more forensic approach to the structural dimension of global governance, related normative questions concerning legitimacy, accountability, equity and fairness, as well as attempts to better integrate global governance research into diverse social science and other disciplines.
Expressions of Interest
Application materials should include the following:
· Research proposal summary of no more than three pages. This proposal should outline the main research question, research context, research methods and a brief project plan.
· Copy of your CV.
· Cover letter, outlining in particular how the proposed research links with GGIs wider research agenda.
· Please submit your expression of interest by email: (by 15 June 2015).
Expressions of interest will be evaluated based on the quality of the research proposal and the EC's eligibility criteria. Decisions will be communicated by 26 June 2015. The candidate(s) will then be invited to make a formal application with the UCL supervisor to the European Commission on the call's actual deadline.