
Global Business School for Health


MSc Biotech & Pharmaceutical Management Student Interview: Elitsa Kambershka

1 May 2024

Meet Elitsa Kambershka, a MSc Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management Student at UCL GBSH. She started with a BSc in Molecular Genetics to exploring alternative paths which allowed her to travel the world, which inspired her to contribute towards medical breakthroughs.

elitsa student profile

Why did you choose to apply for the MSc Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management programme? 

My journey to this degree began with a BSc in Molecular Genetics (from what I thought was the best university in London - King’s College London). Along the way, I realised that a lab-based role didn't quite align with my aspirations. This prompted me to explore alternative career paths, which led me to a position at a medical publishing company. Over the course of two years, I had the opportunity to travel around the world and report on the latest advances in blood cancers. While this experience was very rewarding, it inspired me to transition from reporting on medical breakthroughs to actively contributing to them.  

I wanted to shift into a role where I could have a substantial impact on business operations and managerial decisions, and drive improvements within the life sciences sector to positively affect patient outcomes. However, my previous experiences revealed a gap in my understanding of business principles. 

This motivated me to explore master's programmes that could help me bridge this gap, leading me to discover the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management MSc, which instantly caught my attention. I believed its distinctive interdisciplinary approach taught in the world’s first Global Business School for Health could help me stand out from the crowd and bring me closer to achieving my goals. 

What value will this programme add to your career moving forward?  

This programme has played a vital role in providing me with clarity regarding my career aspirations. This has helped me optimise my job search, allowing me to avoid unfocused applications and concentrate on opportunities aligned with my interests and goals. It has also helped me gain confidence in my applications within this highly competitive field.  

Obtaining a degree from a place like UCL will strengthen my CV’s credibility, and the wide range of experiences and knowledge I've acquired throughout my degree, whether through collaborative presentations, individual assignments, and even seminars has provided me with plenty of material to discuss during interviews!  

On that note, the breadth of topics covered during the programme, from pharmacoeconomics to marketing and supply chain management, has given me a comprehensive view of operations and management within the biotech and pharma industry, enhancing my employability. This has also allowed me to acquire and improve upon multiple soft skills which are highly valued in today’s job market like teamwork, problem-solving, and presentation abilities, as well as hard skills like data analysis.  

Finally, this programme has allowed me to make meaningful connections with both students and professors, which has enriched my professional network significantly! 

What advice would you give to prospective students thinking about applying to the MSc Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management programme? 

Starting a Master's degree can be both exciting and scary! This particular programme has a lot to offer, but it is ultimately up to you to grab this wonderful opportunity and shape it into what you want it to be.  

UCL and GBSH offer a wide range of opportunities and tools available to help you advance your career, such as workshops and masterclasses provided by employers, as well as sessions dedicated to enhancing CVs, cover letters, and interview skills. There are also many guest talks where there is ample opportunity for networking, a skill I highly recommend cultivating! Keep an eye out for exclusive opportunities for more long-term career development, such as part-time roles. For example, through the UCL Sustainability Lab, I was able to join as a Research Analyst for a global consulting company! 

With so much on offer, it’s only natural to feel overwhelmed, especially while balancing coursework and social life. So, I would advise to have a clear understanding of your objectives and attend events aligned with your goals. If you are still exploring your interests (which is perfectly normal!), pick a range of events tailored to discovering your path.  

Don’t forget to enjoy the course, make friends, and join a society if you can! It is important to make the most out of this course while striking a good balance between academic responsibilities, personal development, social interactions, and rest! 

What have you enjoyed the most since starting at UCL GBSH? 

Despite our Master’s cohort being relatively large, the division of classes into smaller groups has provided a lot of opportunities for interaction. Engaging with students from various backgrounds, each with unique experiences and future aspirations, has been extremely enriching for me! I've also found the professors to be easily approachable and supportive. 

Learn more about MSc Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management